3.7. Assembly

The assembly drawing is extremely useful for the designer in manual inspection while considering how the board would be built or reworked. Each footprint shall have a proper assembly drawing, typically on the top-assy layer.

The assy drawing should be done using thin lines (recommended: 0.05mm thickness with occasionally 0.025mm thick lines e.g. for indicating lead bends). It should show an orthogonal top view of the part with only the main features present. The drawing should include pins/leads. The drawing should include pin 1 marking (if applicable) but other marking, especially engraved text shall be omitted.

The assy drawing is normally done at nominal dimensions.

For components that need to be located relative to the board edge the assy drawing may have a line indicating the expected position of the board edge (without textual comment/explanation).

The assy drawing shall not have anything else, especially not indication of keepout areas or generic documentation.