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Path in catalog: catalog / footprints

Catalog: footprints

How to choose footprints

Guide to selecting the right footprint from the bedrock-rnd catalog.


IPC: from datasheet component drawing

User input: component drawing dimensions from the datasheet


RFP: from datasheet recommended footprint drawing

User input: recommended footprint drawing dimensions from the datasheet


Vendor footprint name, using component drawing + IPC

User input: vendor-specific footprint name, maybe pin number, maybe one nominal size


Vendor footprint name, using recommended footprint drawing

User input: vendor-specific footprint name, maybe pin number, maybe one nominal size


footprints from standards, using component dimensions

User input: footprint name as defined by a standard, maybe pin number, maybe one nominal size


footprints from standards, using copper dimensions

User input: footprint name as defined by a standard, maybe pin number, maybe one nominal size