XSCHEM uses layers for its graphics, each layer is a logical entity defining graphic attributes like color and fill style. There are very few graphical primitive objects:

  1. Lines
  2. Rectangles
  3. Open / close Polygons
  4. Arcs / Circles
  5. Text

These primitive objects can be drawn on any layer. XSCHEM number of layers can be defined at compile time, however there are some predefiend layers (from 0 to 5) that have specific functions:

  1. Background color
  2. Wire color (nets)
  3. Selection color / grid
  4. Text color
  5. Symbol drawing color
  6. Pin color
  7. General purpose
  8. General purpose
  9. General purpose


  1. General purpose
  2. General purpose

Although any layer can be used for drawing it is strongly advisable to avoid the background color and the selection color to avoid confusion. Drawing begins by painting the background (layer 0), then drawing the grid (layer 1) then drawing wires (nets) on layer 2, then all graphical objects (lines, rectangles, polygons) starting form layer 0 to the last defined layer.


There is a primitive object called symbol. Symbols are just a group of primitive graphic objects (lines, polygons, rectangles, text) that can be shown as a single atomic entity. Once created a symbol can be placed in a schematic. The instantiation of a symbol is called 'component'.

The above picture shows a resistor symbol, built drawing some lines on layer 4 (green), some pins on layer 5 (red) and some text. Symbols once created are stored in libraries (library is just a UNIX directory known to XSCHEM) and can be placed like just any other primitive object multiple times in a schematic window with different orientations.


Another special primitive object in XSCHEM is 'Wire', Graphically it is drawn as a line on layer 1 (wires). Wires are drawn only on this layer, they are treated differently by XSCHEM since they carry electrical information. Electrical connection between components is done by drawing a connecting wire.

Since wires are used to build the circuit connectivity it is best to avoid drawing lines on layer 1 to avoid confusion, since they would appear like wires, but ignored completely for electrical connectivity.


All XSCHEM objects (wires, lines, rectangles, polygons, text, symbol instance aka component) have a property string attached. Any text can be present in a property string, however in most cases the property string is organized as a set of key=value pairs separated by white space. In addition to object properties the schematic or symbol view has global properties attached. There is one global property defined per netlisting mode (currently SPICE, VHDL, Verilog, tEDAx). See the XSCHEM properties section of the manual for more info.


XSCHEM coordinates are stored as double precision floating point numbers, axis orientation is the same as Xorg default coordinate orientation:

When drawing objecs in XSCHEM coordinates are snapped to a multiple of 10.0 coordinate units, so all drawn objects are easily aligned. The snap level can be changed to any value by the user to allow drawing small objects if desired. Grid points are shown at multiples of 20.0 coordinate units, by default.


XSCHEM schematics and symbols are stored in .sch and .sym files respectively. The two file formats are identical, with the exception that symbol (.sym) files do not contain wires and component instantiations.

every schematic/symbol object has a corresponding record in the file. A single character at the beginning of a line, separated by white space from subsequent fields marks the type of object:

the object tag in column 1 is followed by space separated fields that completely define the corresponding object.


G {type=regulator
format="x@name @pinlist r@symname"
verilog_format="assign @#2 = @#0 ;"
tedax_format="footprint @name @footprint
device @name @symname"
template="name=U1 footprint=TO220"}

Global properties define a property string bound to the parent schematic/symbol file, there is one global property record per netlisting mode, currently SPICE, VHDL, Verilog, tEDAx.
Normally only 'G' type property strings are used for symbols and define attributes telling netlisters what to do with the symbol, while global property strings in schematic files corresponding to the active netlisting mode of XSCHEM are copied verbatim to the netlist.
the object tag (S, V, G, E) is followed by the property string enclosed in curly braces ({...}). This allows strings to contain any white space and newlines. Curly braces if present in the string are automatically escaped with the '\' character by XSCHEM when saving data.
Example of the 4 property string records for a schematic file:
G {}
V {assign #1500 LDOUT = LDIN +1;
E {}
S {}

in this case only the verilog-related global property has some definition. This is Verilog code that is copied into the output netlist.


Example: T {3 of 4 NANDS of a 74ls00} 500 -580 0 0 0.4 0.4 {font=Monospace layer=4}
This line defines a text object, the first field after the type tag is the displayed text, followed by X and Y coordinates,rotation, mirror, horizontal and vertical text size and finally a property string defining some text attributes.


Example: N 890 -130 890 -110 {lab=ANALOG_GND}
The net 'N' tag is followed by the end point coordinates x1,y1 - x2,y2 (stored and read as double precision numbers) and a property string, used in this case to name the net.


Example: L 4 -50 20 50 20 {This is a line on layer 4}
The line 'L' tag is followed by an integer specifying the graphic layer followed by the x1,y1 - x2,y2 coordinates of the line and a property string.


Example: B 5 -62.5 -2.5 -57.5 2.5 {name=IN dir=in pinnumber=1}
The 'Box' 'B' tag is followed by an integer specifying the graphic layer followed by the x1,y1 - x2,y2 coordinates of the rectangle and a final property string. This example defines a symbol pin.


Example: P 3 5 2450 -210 2460 -170 2500 -170 2510 -210 2450 -210 {}
the Polygon 'P' tag is followed by an integer specifying the layer number, followed by the number of points (integer), the x,y coordinates of the polygon points and the property string (empty in this example). If the last point is coincident to the first point a closed polygon is drawn. A 'fill=true' arribute may be given to fill a cloded polygon, in this case a polygon line looks like:
P 3 5 2450 -210 2460 -170 2500 -170 2510 -210 2450 -210 {fill=true}


Example: A 3 450 -210 120 45 225 {}
The Arc 'A' tag is followed by an integer specifying the layer number, followed by the arc x, y center coordinates, the arc radius, the start angle (measured counterclockwise from the three o'clock direction), the arc sweep angle (measured counterclockwise from the start angle) and the property string (empty in this example). Angles are measured in degrees.


Example: C {pcb/capa} 890 -160 0 0 {name=C4 m=1 value=10u device="tantalium capacitor"}
Format: C {<symbol reference>} <X coord> <Y coord> <rotation> <flip> {<attributes>}
The component instance tag C is followed by a string specifying library/symbol, followed by the x,y coordinates, rotation (integer range [0:3]), mirror (integer range [0:1]), and a property string defining various attributes including the mandatory name=... attribute.
Orientation and mirror meanings are as follows:


G {type=regulator
format="x@name @pinlist r@symname"
verilog_format="assign @#2 = @#0 ;"
tedax_format="footprint @name @footprint
device @name @symname"
template="name=U1 footprint=TO220"}
V {}
S {}
E {}
L 4 -60 0 -50 0 {}
L 4 50 0 60 0 {}
L 4 -50 -20 50 -20 {}
L 4 50 -20 50 20 {}
L 4 -50 20 50 20 {}
L 4 -50 -20 -50 20 {}
L 4 0 20 0 30 {}
B 5 -62.5 -2.5 -57.5 2.5 {name=IN dir=in pinnumber=1}
B 5 -2.5 27.5 2.5 32.5 {name=GND dir=inout pinnumber=2}
B 5 57.5 -2.5 62.5 2.5 {name=OUT dir=out pinnumber=3}
T {@name} -17.5 -15 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
T {@symname} -17.5 0 0 0 0.2 0.2 {}
T {@#0:pinnumber} -47.5 -2.5 0 0 0.12 0.12 {}
T {@#1:pinnumber} -2.5 12.5 0 0 0.12 0.12 {}
T {@#2:pinnumber} 47.5 -2.5 0 1 0.12 0.12 {}


G {}
V {}
S {}
E {}
B 20 270 -550 860 -290 {}
T {3 of 4 NANDS of a 74ls00} 500 -580 0 0 0.4 0.4 {}
T {EXPERIMENTAL schematic for generating a tEDAx netlist
1) set netlist mode to 'tEDAx' (Options menu -> tEDAx netlist)
2) press 'Netlist' button on the right
3) resulting netlist is in pcb_test1.tdx } 240 -730 0 0 0.5 0.5 {}
N 230 -330 300 -330 {lab=INPUT_B}
N 230 -370 300 -370 {lab=INPUT_A}
N 680 -420 750 -420 {lab=B}
N 680 -460 750 -460 {lab=A}
N 400 -350 440 -350 {lab=B}
N 850 -440 890 -440 {lab=OUTPUT_Y}
N 230 -440 300 -440 {lab=INPUT_F}
N 230 -480 300 -480 {lab=INPUT_E}
N 400 -460 440 -460 {lab=A}
N 550 -190 670 -190 {lab=VCCFILT}
N 590 -130 590 -110 {lab=ANALOG_GND}
N 790 -190 940 -190 {lab=VCC5}
N 890 -130 890 -110 {lab=ANALOG_GND}
N 730 -110 890 -110 {lab=ANALOG_GND}
N 730 -160 730 -110 {lab=ANALOG_GND}
N 590 -110 730 -110 {lab=ANALOG_GND}
N 440 -460 680 -460 {lab=A}
N 500 -420 680 -420 {lab=B}
N 500 -420 500 -350 {lab=B}
N 440 -350 500 -350 {lab=B}
C {devices/title} 160 -30 0 0 {name=l2 author="Stefan"}
C {pcb/74ls00} 340 -350 0 0 {name=U1:2  risedel=100 falldel=200}
C {pcb/74ls00} 790 -440 0 0 {name=U1:1  risedel=100 falldel=200}
C {devices/lab_pin} 890 -440 0 1 {name=p0 lab=OUTPUT_Y}
C {pcb/capa} 590 -160 0 0 {name=C0 m=1 value=100u device="electrolitic capacitor"}
C {pcb/74ls00} 340 -460 0 0 {name=U1:4 risedel=100 falldel=200 power=VCC5
C {pcb/7805} 730 -190 0 0 {name=U0 url="https://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Components/LM7805.pdf"}
C {devices/lab_pin} 490 -190 0 0 {name=p20 lab=VCC12}
C {devices/lab_pin} 940 -190 0 1 {name=p22 lab=VCC5}
C {devices/lab_pin} 590 -110 0 0 {name=p23 lab=ANALOG_GND}
C {pcb/capa} 890 -160 0 0 {name=C4 m=1 value=10u device="tantalium capacitor"}
C {pcb/res} 520 -190 1 0 {name=R0 m=1 value=4.7 device="carbon resistor"}
C {devices/lab_wire} 620 -460 0 0 {name=l3 lab=A}
C {devices/lab_wire} 620 -420 0 0 {name=l0 lab=B}
C {devices/lab_wire} 650 -190 0 0 {name=l1 lab=VCCFILT}
C {pcb/connector} 230 -370 0 0 {name=CONN1 lab=INPUT_A verilog_type=reg}
C {pcb/connector} 230 -330 0 0 {name=CONN2 lab=INPUT_B verilog_type=reg}
C {pcb/connector} 240 -190 0 0 { name=CONN3 lab=OUTPUT_Y }
C {pcb/connector} 230 -480 0 0 {name=CONN6 lab=INPUT_E verilog_type=reg}
C {pcb/connector} 230 -440 0 0 {name=CONN8 lab=INPUT_F verilog_type=reg}
C {pcb/connector} 240 -160 0 0 { name=CONN9 lab=VCC12 }
C {pcb/connector} 240 -130 0 0 { name=CONN14 lab=ANALOG_GND  verilog_type=reg}
C {pcb/connector} 240 -100 0 0 { name=CONN15 lab=GND  verilog_type=reg}
C {devices/code} 1030 -280 0 0 {name=TESTBENCH_CODE only_toplevel=false value="initial begin

assign VCC12=1;

C {devices/verilog_timescale} 1050 -100 0 0 {name=s1 timestep="1ns" precision="1ns" }