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sch-rnd - current state

With the release of sch-rnd 0.9.0, beta test phase started in august 2022. This closes the initial intensive development phase (sponsored by nlnet/NGI0).

Dates are in yyyy-mm-dd form.

date event/phase
Plans for future events
2023 spring First sable release: 1.0.0
Current phase, recent events
2022-08-18 Beta testing phase starts for simple PCB workflows with pcb-rnd
2022-09-21 released 0.9.2 (beta testing)
2022-11-09 released 0.9.3 (beta testing)
2023-02-08 released 0.9.4 (beta testing)
Past events
2017-06-30 Announcement, call for contributors
2017-07-20 discussion: design process
2017-07-26 discussion: main components:
system overview draft
implementation details and rationale
2017-07-29 discussion: schematics data:
implementation details and rationale
2017-08-23 discussion: drawing primitives:
implementation details and rationale
2017-09-08 discussion: attributes:
implementation details and rationale
2017-09-22 discussion: netlist
(no implementation details and rationale)
2017-10-10 discussion: hierarchic schematics
implementation details and rationale
2017-11-02 discussion: device mapping - slotting, the transistor problem, heavy vs. light symbols
implementation details and rationale
2017-11-27 discussion: ripple annotation
implementation details and rationale
2018-02-19 discussion: bus support - conventions and pseudo-hierarchy (mostly already convered by chapter 2)
implementation details and rationale
2018-03-05 discussion: is anything left out, not addressed?
2022-01-12 Initial development to reach beta testing state by end of October 2022
2022-03-28 Upcoming alpha release
2022-05-06 0.8.1: second alpha release
2022-06-08 0.8.2-alpha: third alpha release
2022-06-18 0.8.3-alpha: fourth alpha release
2022-07-16 0.8.4-alpha: fifth alpha release