pcb-rnd knowledge pool


Schematics editor poll (2020)

sch_poll_2020 by Tibor 'Igor2' Palinkas on 2020-11-23

Tags: admin, poll, schematics, editor, 2020

node source



Abstract: Poll results on "What's your preferred schematics editor when using pcb-rnd?". Multiple answers, ordered by frequency of use was possible.


Total number of answers: 17

Anonimized raw data is available in tsv (each line is a vote, fields are editors, feilds are separated by tab, first field is the most preferred editor).

First choice

List of editors as first choice (one vote = 1 point):
Editor popularity
lepton 7
gschem 7
xschem 1
tinycad 1
ltspice 1
first choice editor pie chart

Second choice

List of editors as second choice (one vote = 1 point):
Editor popularity
lepton 3
gschem 1
second choice editor pie chart


List of editors weighted by preference (first = 1point, second = 0.5 point, third = 0.25 point):
Editor popularity
lepton 8.5
gschem 7.5
xschem 1
tinycad 1
ltspice 1
eeschema 0.25
weighted choice editor pie chart

Number of editors used

How many users use 1 or 2 or 3 editors?
# of editors user count
1 13
2 3
3 1
weighted number of editors pie chart