pcb-rnd knowledge pool
pcb-rnd: getting started
getting_started by Cuvoodoo on 2021-10-27 | Tags: howto, tutorial, getting, started, new, user, intro, introduction, import, sch, schematics, cam, export, gerber, routing, placement, placing, subcircuits, footprints |
Abstract: Video tutorial and related material for new users for the first steps in learing to use pcb-rnd. Guides through a simple board design with pcb-rnd from importing schematics to generating gerbers, preparing for fab.
New video
There's a new version available from 2023 that uses sch-rnd as input.
Material shown in the video
- Board file: the finished board, compressed with xz; after decompression it can be loaded in pcb-rnd
- Schematics: xz compressed tar containing the schematics, symbol library and gafrc. Should with with gschem or Lepton EDA.
- Footprints: xz compressed tar containing all footprints (mostly subcircuits with one BXL and one KiCAD module)
- Script: transcript of the first part of the audio