line object fields | ||
field | type | description |
(common) | common object fields are available | |
stroke | pen fields used for object stroke; e.g. .stroke is the stroke pen name, .stroke.color is stroke pen color | |
x1 | coord | start point x coord |
y1 | coord | start point y coord |
x2 | coord | end point x coord |
y2 | coord | end point y coord |
length | coord | calculated length |
length2 | double | square of calculated length (cheaper to calculate) |
area | double | "ink quantity": approx. area of the line as rendered [coord2] |
arc object fields | ||
field | type | description |
(common) | common object fields are available | |
stroke | pen fields used for object stroke; e.g. .stroke is the stroke pen name, .stroke.color is stroke pen color | |
start | double | start angle [degrees] |
delta | double | angle span [degrees] |
x or cx | coord | arc center x coord |
y or cy | coord | arc center y coord |
r | coord | arc radius |
length | coord | calculated length |
length2 | double | square of calculated length (cheaper to calculate) |
area | double | "ink quantity": approx. area of the arc as rendered [coord2] |
text object fields | ||
field | type | description |
(common) | common object fields are available | |
x or x1 | coord | placement box bottom left |
y or y1 | coord | placement box bottom left |
x2 | coord | placement box top right (also used for determining text height) |
y2 | coord | placement box top right (also used for determining text height) |
rotation | double | in degrees |
string | str | text string as specified by the user (may be a dyntext template) |
render | str | as rendered currently (with dyntext template executed) |
dyntext | int | 1 if text is dyntext templated, 0 otherwise |
has_bbox | int | 1 if text is bbox-specified, 0 if height-specified |
halign | int | horizontal alignment ID |
conn object fields | ||
field | type | description |
(common) | common object fields are available | |
conn | list | all objects that are connected by this conn object |
polygon object fields | ||
field | type | description |
(common) | common object fields are available | |
stroke | pen fields used for object stroke; e.g. .stroke is the stroke pen name, .stroke.color is stroke pen color | |
fill | pen fields used for object fill; e.g. .fill is the fill pen name, .fill.color is fill pen color | |
points | int | number of corners |
area | double | "ink quantity": area of the polygon as rendered [coord2] |
group object fields | ||
field | type | description |
(common) | common object fields are available | |
x | coord | origin (placement) coord |
y | coord | origin (placement) coord |
rotation | double | rotation around origin, in degrees |
mirx | int | 1 if group is horizontally mirrored, 0 otherwise |
miry | int | 1 if group is vertically mirrored, 0 otherwise |
area | double | bbox area of the group as rendered [coord2] |
types | |
type ID | type name |
1 | LINE |
2 | ARC |
3 | POLY |
4 | TEXT |
5 | BITMAP |
6 | CONN |
7 | GRP |
8 | GRP_REF |
horizontal alignment IDs | |
halign ID | alignment name |
0 | left |
1 | center |
2 | right |
3 | word justify |
4 | justify |
common fields | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
field | type | description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ID | int | object's oid
| int
| which level of the hierarchy the object is on; level 0 is the direct group of the sheet; level 1 is an object placed on the sheet
| bbox.x1
| coord
| object's bounding box, leftmost X coordinate
| bbox.y1
| coord
| object's bounding box, bottom Y coordinate
| bbox.x2
| coord
| object's bounding box, rightmost X coordinate
| bbox.y2
| coord
| object's bounding box, top Y coordinate
| bbox.width
| coord
| object's bounding box, horizontal size
| bbox.height
| coord
| object's bounding box, vertical size
| type
| int
| object type ID
| selected
| int
| 1 if object is selected, else 0
| locked
| int
| 1 if object is explicitly locked (lock tool), else 0
| anylocked
| int
| 1 if the object is locked in any way (parent is locked or parent is an atomic group, e.g. symbol and object is not a floater)
| floater
| int
| 1 if object is a floater, else 0
| parent
| obj
| object's parent group
| displayer
| int
| display layer ID the object is rendered on
| displayer_name
| string
| display layer name the object is rendered on
| conn
| list
| list of objects the current object is connected to via a conn object
| |
pen fields | ||
field | type | description |
str | without futher fields appended, evaluates to the name of the pen | |
shape | str | round or square |
is_round | int | 1 if shape is round, else 0 |
size | coord | pen diameter if shape is round, side length if shape is square |
color | str | in #rrggbb format |
dash | int | dash pattern (see design doc) |
dash_period | coord | dash period (see design doc) |
font_height | coord | for non-bbox specified text rendered with this pen |
font_family | str | hint for font selection |
font_style | str | hint for font selection |