Sch-rnd is built up from scratch with modularity in mind.
module | size [sloc] | status | configure default | class | description
act_draw | 278
| works
| buildin
| feature
| Actions for drawing objects on a graphical sheet or symbol
act_read | 333
| works
| buildin
| feature
| Data access related API as actions
backann | 1128
| works
| buildin
| feature
| interactive back annotation
construct | 465
| works
| buildin
| feature
| construct complex objects from atoms, break up groups
diag | 71
| works
| buildin
| feature
| Actions for sch-rnd core diagnostics, intended for developers. These are not in core because end users normally don't need these. As a plugin, due to dynamic loading, it can be dropped on an existing sch-rnd installation with minimal risk of scaring away a reproducible bug.
export_abst | 194
| works
| buildin
| export
| export project's abstract model to text
export_bom | 254
| works
| buildin
| export
| export a BoM based on the components of the abstract model, using configurable templates
export_lpr | 14
| works
| buildin
| export
| Export to lpr (using export_ps to generate postscript)
export_png | 267
| works
| buildin
| export
| png, jpeg and gif render
export_ps | 576
| works
| buildin
| export
| PostScript, Encapsulated PostScript exporter
export_spice | 474
| works
| buildin
| export
| SPICE netlist exporter for circuit simulation
export_svg | 219
| works
| buildin
| export
| Scalable Vector Graphics exporter
export_tedax | 259
| works
| buildin
| export
| export netlist as a tEDAx netlist block
gui | 1415
| works
| buildin
| gui
| sch-rnd-specific GUI elements
io_altium | 2444
| works
| buildin
| io
| Load schematics from altium schdoc
io_geda | 1236
| works
| buildin
| io
| Load schematics and symbols from gEDA format.
io_lihata | 1576
| works
| buildin
| io
| Load and save the schematics and symbols in the native lihata format.
io_ngrp_fawk | 259
| works
| buildin
| io
| non-graphical schematic sheets in form of fawk scripts.
io_ngrp_tedax | 393
| works
| buildin
| io
| Load non-graphical schematic sheets in tEDAx format.
io_tinycad | 1511
| works
| buildin
| io
| Load schematics from TinyCAD .dsn xml format.
lib_alien | 623
| works
| buildin
| io
| Format-independent helper functions for reading alien files
lib_netlist_exp | 62
| works
| buildin
| export
| Helper functions for exporting netlists
lib_ngrp | 241
| works
| buildin
| io
| Helper functions for handling non-graphical sheets
lib_plot | 639
| works
| disable-all
| gui
| subdialog for plotting and navigating graphs
lib_target | 133
| works
| buildin
| export
| Helper functions for implementing target plugins
place | 137
| works
| buildin
| feature
| place complex objects such as terminals from template
propedit | 2203
| works
| buildin
| feature
| List and edit properties of a group of objects.
query | 4245
| works
| buildin
| feature
| sch-rnd query language: execute expressions on objects and rules for the programmed drc.
renumber | 333
| works
| buildin
| feature
| Systematically change the name of selected symbols
sch_dialogs | 6545
| works
| buildin
| gui
| Standard schematics editor dialog boxes
sim | 1695
| works
| buildin
| feature
| abstract differences of circuit simiulation implementations, provide an unified interface (infrastructure, CLI and actions)
sim_gui | 2138
| works
| buildin
| feature
| GUI for the the a unified high level simulation interface
sim_ngspice | 438
| works
| buildin
| feature
| ngspice specific execution glue (for the GUI)
std_cschem | 342
| works
| buildin
| engine
| Handles: component connect
std_devmap | 1007
| works
| buildin
| engine
| Handles slotting, device mapping and port mapping
std_forge | 2088
| works
| buildin
| engine
| Handles: attribute forging
std_tools | 1461
| works
| buildin
| feature
| Tools for drawing standard cschem concrete primitives
symlib_fs | 119
| works
| buildin
| symlib
| access symbol libraries stored on the local file system
symlib_local | 696
| works
| buildin
| symlib
| access symbol library stored within the sheet
target_none | 46
| works
| buildin
| engine
| Display original names
target_pcb | 176
| works
| buildin
| engine
| Attribute transformations for the PCB workflow
target_spice | 1096
| works
| buildin
| engine
| Attribute transformations for the SPICE workflow
Each plugin implements a class (rarely a set of classes). Classes are: