{des9:0} As described in chapter 2, bus-nets are bundled networks, called channels within the bus. Channels are identified by their chan attribute.
{des9:1} When a connection is to be made at a hub or port or bus-port, each channel is considered separately, by its chan attribute, applying the chan rewrite rules (of the hub or port or bus-port).
{des9:2} Channel names are arbitrary. To exploit the chan rewrite rules, a convention for hierarchic naming is introduced in this chapter. Users and implementations shall respect this convention when creating new channel names.
{des9:3} A bus-net is a flat collection of channels. That is, there is no bus-in-bus support. As per convention, a pseudo-hierarchy is encoded in channel names, using the slash ("/") character.
{des9:4} For example channels "bar" and "baz", are plain channels in the bus; channel names "foo/bar" and "foo/baz", are considered to be "channels bar and baz within the virtual sub-bus of foo".
{des9:5} Technically all four channels are equal bus channels, but it's particularly easy to use the chan rewrite rules to connect networks or buses to a specific "sub-bus".
{des9:6} There is no limit on how many slashes a channel name may contain, thus how many levels of sub-buses a bus may contain - for example "foo/bar/baz/ch1" is a valid channel name assuming a hierarchy of 3 sub-buses within the main bus. However, if a given prefix is used as a virtual "sub-bus", it can not be used as a channel name; this if "foo/bar/baz/ch1" is a channel in the bus, "foo", "foo/bar" and "foo/bar/baz" are all considered "names of virtual sub-buses" and shall not be used as channel names.
{des9:7} (Note: cschem, on the abstract level, does not understand sub-buses, and handles all channel names equally. The above convention is only meaningful for the user and to some GUI code.)