Symbol loaded as a sheet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also known as: symbol edit mode or symedit. When this happens, sheet->is_symbol is set to 1 which triggers a bunch of special cases here and there. The general structure is this: - a symbol file is a single group (stored under a csch group in lihata) - when the loader detects this root, this group is loaded as sheet->direct - in sch-rnd sheet postproc some extra steps are done to load pens from the default sheet, else all pens would be invalid; these pens are marked ->copied_from_default=1 - on save sheet->is_symbol decides only the direct group needs to be saved, using the csch group root node instead of a sheet root - on save pens that are marked ->copied_from_default==1 are not saved (undoable pen modify always resets this bit so any pen modification forces saving the pen)