Librnd minimum version: 4.1.0

Package summary and dependencies

package depends on (packages) consists of (plugins)
sch-rndsch-rnd-core sch-rnd-io-alien sch-rnd-lib-gui librnd4-hid-gtk2-gl librnd4-hid-gtk2-gdk sch-rnd-export-extra sch-rnd-doc<metapackage>
sch-rnd-sim sch-rnd-core sch-rnd-lib-gui sim sim_gui sim_ngspice
sch-rnd-io-alien sch-rnd-core io_altium io_geda io_orcad io_tinycad lib_alien lib_ucdf
sch-rnd-export-gd sch-rnd-core librnd4-pixmap export_png
sch-rnd-lib-gui sch-rnd-core librnd4-lib-gui gui lib_plot sch_dialogs
sch-rnd-core librnd4(builtin: act_draw act_read backann construct export_spice export_tedax funcmap hlibrary_fs io_lihata io_ngrp_fawk io_ngrp_tedax lib_anymap lib_netlist_exp lib_ngrp lib_target lib_tedax place propedit query renumber std_cschem std_devmap std_forge std_tools symlib_fs symlib_local target_none target_pcb target_spice)
sch-rnd-export-vector sch-rnd-core librnd4 export_ps export_svg export_tedax_footprint
sch-rnd-export-extra sch-rnd-core sch-rnd-export-vector export_abst export_bom export_lpr
sch-rnd-debug sch-rnd-core diag

Package description and files

package files short long
sch-rnd-doc/usr/share/doc/* Documentation for sch-rnd User manual and developer doc (html).
sch-rnd Standard installation of sch-rnd Install sch-rnd core and the most commonly used plugins.
sch-rnd-sim $P/sim.pup $P/ $P/sim_gui.pup $P/ $P/sim_ngspice.pup $P/ $C/sim.conf $C/sim_gui.conf High level circuit simulation Circuit simulation that can export and execute SPICE (ngspice) in the background and save or present the results. Works both from the GUI (with dialogs for configuring simulation setups, presenting plots and data in the same dialog) and from CLI (with actions using existing configuration, saving output data to a computer readable file).
sch-rnd-io-alien $P/io_altium.pup $P/ $P/io_geda.pup $P/ $P/io_orcad.pup $P/ $P/io_tinycad.pup $P/ $P/lib_alien.pup $P/ $P/lib_ucdf.pup $P/ $C/io_altium.conf $C/io_geda.conf $C/io_orcad.conf $C/io_tinycad.conf File format compatibility with other schematics capture tools. Load and/or save boards in file formats supported by other EDA tools, geda/gschem, lepton-eda, TinyCAD, Altium.
sch-rnd-export-gd $P/export_png.pup $P/ Export formats that require libgd. Bitmap export plugin (png, jpeg, etc.)
sch-rnd-lib-gui $P/gui.pup $P/ $P/lib_plot.pup $P/ $P/sch_dialogs.pup $P/ $C/adialogs.conf Support library for building the GUI. Provides sch-rnd specific dialog boxes and top window GUI elements.
sch-rnd-core $PREFIX/bin/sch-rnd $PREFIX/share/man/man1/sch-rnd.1 $PREFIX/bin/boxsym-rnd $PREFIX/share/man/man1/boxsym-rnd.1 $PREFIX/share/man/man5/boxsym-rnd.5 $PREFIX/lib/sch-rnd/boxsym-rnd/* $PREFIX/lib/sch-rnd/minuid $C/sch-rnd-conf.lht $C/menu-default.lht $PREFIX/share/sch-rnd/default-sheet.lht $PREFIX/share/sch-rnd/devmap/* $PREFIX/share/sch-rnd/font/* $PREFIX/share/sch-rnd/symbol/* $PREFIX/share/sch-rnd/spice/* $C/funcmap.conf $C/renumber.conf $C/std_cschem.conf $C/std_devmap.conf $C/target_pcb.conf $C/target_spice.conf sch-rnd executable with the core functionality and boxsym-rnd Includes the data model, the most common action commands, the native file format. Can be used in headless mode or batch/scripted mode for automated processing or with GUI (if sch-rnd-lib-gui and librnd GUI HIDs are installed).
sch-rnd-export-vector $P/export_ps.pup $P/ $P/export_svg.pup $P/ $P/export_tedax_footprint.pup $P/ Export formats: vector graphics Common vector graphic export formats: ps, eps, svg.
sch-rnd-export-extra $P/export_abst.pup $P/ $P/export_bom.pup $P/ $P/export_lpr.pup $P/ $C/export_bom.conf Export formats: special/extra Less commonly used export formats: abstract model text export, direct printing with lpr.
sch-rnd-debug $P/diag.pup $P/ Debug and diagnostics. Extra action commands to help in debugging and diagnosing problems and bugs.

External dependencies of Ppackages

Note: package names differ from distro to distro, this table only approximates the packahge names external dependencies have on your target.

Note: every package that has .so files in it depends on librnd.

package extneral dependencies

File prefixes:

./configure arguments

--all=disable --buildin-funcmap --buildin-act_read --buildin-place --buildin-symlib_local --buildin-lib_netlist_exp --buildin-std_tools --buildin-renumber --buildin-io_ngrp_tedax --buildin-backann --buildin-std_cschem --buildin-export_tedax --buildin-lib_tedax --buildin-lib_anymap --buildin-hlibrary_fs --buildin-std_forge --buildin-std_devmap --buildin-propedit --buildin-io_ngrp_fawk --buildin-io_lihata --buildin-target_spice --buildin-target_pcb --buildin-act_draw --buildin-target_none --buildin-symlib_fs --buildin-query --buildin-lib_target --buildin-export_spice --buildin-lib_ngrp --buildin-construct --plugin-lib_alien --plugin-export_ps --plugin-export_bom --plugin-export_abst --plugin-io_orcad --plugin-io_altium --plugin-sim_gui --plugin-sch_dialogs --plugin-lib_plot --plugin-export_lpr --plugin-export_tedax_footprint --plugin-export_svg --plugin-sim --plugin-gui --plugin-diag --plugin-sim_ngspice --plugin-io_tinycad --plugin-io_geda --plugin-export_png --plugin-lib_ucdf