These features are largely the same as we have in pcb-rnd. Important: until the first beta release the file format is UNSTABLE, which means I can introduce breaking change (without version bumping) in the file format any time, so you can't expect a file saved earlier will work with a later version. This flux will end with our Beta release (deadline: October). So please use load/save for testing, but don't yet attempt to use sch-rnd in anything remotely production. 1. save as Either from the File menu or using {f a}. Will always ask for a file name. Saves in our native lihata sheet format (no file format documentation available yet). 2. save If the current sheet has a file name (was originally loaded or was new but already saved with an user assigned file name), do a silent save (no dialog box, no questions). If there's no file name assigned to the sheet, typicially first save of a new sheet, do the same as "save as" does. Hotkey is {f s} We do not yet have the persistent save pcb-rnd has, so all saves are always done in canonical format (indentation, numerical format, etc). 3. load File menu load, or {f o}. Brings up a file selection dialog, where you can select the sheet to load. At the moment sch-rnd is like pcb-rnd and can edit only one sheet at a time. Later on, before the beta, I will change this, and we will handle multi-sheet nicely, but that feature is at the end of my list because of dependencues. 4. revert Simply reloads the file from disk, just like in pcb-rnd. I included this feature just to match pcb-rnd features. 5. emergency save Just like in pcb-rnd we have emergency saves: if sch-rnd thinks something bad happened and you likely would lose some of your work, it spends its last CPU cycles on a best effort emergency save. The file name is configured in conf node rc/emergency_name, the default is If you set this to empty, no emergency save is done. Easiest way to test: open a sheet file, edit it, the quit without saving -> an SCH.*.save will appear in cwd. Another way to test it is sending a SIGTERM to the sch-rnd process after load and edit. Unlike in pcb-rnd, there is no file format config: we always do the emergency save in native format. 6. timed backups Just like in pcb-rnd, independently of the emergency save, we also have timed backups, configured using rc/backup_name and rc/backup_interval. If backup interval is 0, no timed backup is made. This one saves your sheet every interval seconds if it has change. Especially useful while we are in alpha or beta state and we expect sch-rnd to crash often or just ruin data in various ways. Interval is set to 60 sec by default. Unlike in pcb-rnd, there is no file format config: we always do the backup save in native format. 7. "file changed on disk" infobar Another feature that may be familiar from pcb-rnd: open a sheet, then in another terminal touch or edit the sheet file. sch-rnd checks all open sheet file's modification date every few seconds and pops up an infobar if the file-on-disk changed. Interval is configured in rc/file_changed_interval (you can disable this feature by setting this to 0).