Action | Description | Syntax | Plugin |
About | Present the about box | About() | dialogs plugin |
acompnet | Attempt to auto-complete the current network | acompnet() | acompnet plugin |
ActionString | Execute a pcb-rnd action parsing a string; syntac: "action(arg,arg,arg)" | ActionString(action) | script plugin |
AddRats | Add one or more rat lines to the board. | AddRats(AllRats|SelectedRats|Close, [manhattan]) | |
AddTimer (RND) | Add a new timer | AddTimer(action, period, [repeat], [userdata]) | script plugin |
AdjustStyle | Open the dialog box for editing the route styles. | AdjustStyle([routestyle_idx]) | lib_hid_pcbui/route_style |
align | Align objects | Align(X/Y, [Lefts/Rights/Tops/Bottoms/Centers/Marks, [First/Last/pcb_crosshair/Average[, Gridless]]]) | distalign plugin |
aligntext | Align objects | Align(X/Y, [Lefts/Rights/Tops/Bottoms/Centers/Marks, [First/Last/pcb_crosshair/Average[, Gridless]]]) | distalign plugin |
AnyLoad (RND) | Load "anything" from path (or offer a file selectio dialog if no path specified) | AnyLoad([path]) | |
ApplyPen | Set properties of the selected object or object under the cursor to match current drawing style ("pen"), e.g. thickness, clearance. | ApplyPen([selected|object]) | |
ApplyVendor | Applies the currently loaded vendor drill table to the current design. | ApplyVendor() | vendor drill mapping |
Arc2Lines | Convert arc(s) into lines using approximation. If linelen is specified, resulting line segment length will not exceed that value. | Arc2Lines(object|selected, [linelen]) | act_draw |
ArcNew | Create a pcb arc segment on a layer. For now data must be "pcb". Returns the idpath of the new object or 0 on error. | ArcNew([noundo,] data, layer, centx, centy, radiusx, radiusy, start_ang, delta_ang, thickness, clearance, flags) | act_draw |
asm | Interactive assembly assistant | asm() | asm plugin |
Atomic | Save or restore the undo serial number. | Atomic(Save|Restore|Close|Block) | |
Attributes | Let the user edit the attributes of the layout, current or given layer, or selected subcircuit. | Attributes(Layout|Layer|Element|Subc) Attributes(Layer,layername) | oldactions plugin |
autocrop | Autocrops the board dimensions to (extants + a margin of 1 grid), keeping the move and board size grid aligned | autocrop() | autocrop plugin |
AutoPlaceSelected | Auto-place selected components. | AutoPlaceSelected() | autoplace plugin |
AutoRoute | Auto-route some or all rat lines. | AutoRoute(AllRats|SelectedRats) | autoroute plugin |
awk | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
Backup | Backup the current layout - save using the same method that the timed backup function uses | Backup() | |
baconn | Add a terminal-net connection to the back annotation list or add a terminal-net connection removal to the back annotation list | BaConn(object|selected, add, [netname]) BaConn(object|selected, remove) | |
bas | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
basubc | Add new subcircuits to the back annotation list or remove and back annotate removal of a subcircuit | BaSubc(object|selected, add|remove) | |
Bell | Attempt to produce audible notification (e.g. beep the speaker). | Bell() | oldactions plugin |
Benchmark (RND) | Benchmark the GUI speed. | Benchmark() | |
BoardFlip | Mirror the board over the x axis, optionally mirroring sides as well. | BoardFlip([sides]) | |
Brave | Changes brave settings. | Brave() Brave(setting, on|off) | |
BrowseScripts | Present a dialog box for browsing scripts | BrowseScripts() | script plugin |
cam | Export jobs for feeding cam processes | cam(exec, script, [options]) cam(call, jobname, [options]) cam([gui]) | cam exporter |
Center (RND) | Moves the pointer to the center of the window. | Center() | lib_hid_common plugin |
ChangeAngle | Changes the start angle, delta angle or both angles of an arc. | ChangeAngle(Object, start|delta|both, delta) ChangeAngle(SelectedObjects|Selected, start|delta|both, delta) ChangeAngle(SelectedArcs, start|delta|both, delta) | |
ChangeClearSize | Changes the clearance size of objects. | ChangeClearSize(Object, delta|style) ChangeClearSize(SelectedPins|SelectedPads|SelectedVias, delta|style) ChangeClearSize(SelectedLines|SelectedArcs, delta|style) ChangeClearSize(Selected|SelectedObjects, delta|style) | |
ChangeDrillSize | Changes the drilling hole size of objects. | ChangeDrillSize(Object, delta|style) ChangeDrillSize(SelectedPins|SelectedVias|Selected|SelectedObjects, delta|style) | |
ChangeFlag | Sets or clears flags on objects. | ChangeFlag(Object|Selected|SelectedObjects, flag, value) ChangeFlag(SelectedLines|SelectedPins|SelectedVias, flag, value) ChangeFlag(SelectedPads|SelectedTexts|SelectedNames, flag, value) ChangeFlag(SelectedElements, flag, value) flag = join value = 0 | 1 | |
ChangeHole | oldactions plugin | ||
ChangeJoin | Changes the join (clearance through polygons) of objects. | ChangeJoin(ToggleObject|SelectedLines|SelectedArcs|Selected) | |
ChangeName | Sets the name, text string, terminal ID or refdes of objects. | ChangeName(Object) ChangeName(Refdes) ChangeName(Layout|Layer) | |
ChangeNonetlist | Changes the nonetlist flag of subcircuits. | ChangeNonetlist(ToggleObject) ChangeNonetlist(SelectedElements) ChangeNonetlist(Selected|SelectedObjects) | |
ChangeOctagon | oldactions plugin | ||
ChangePaste | oldactions plugin | ||
ChangePinName | Sets the name of a specific pin on a specific subcircuit. | ChangePinName(Refdes,PinNumber,PinName) | |
ChangeRadius | Changes the width or height (radius) of an arc. | ChangeRadius(Object, width|x|height|y|both, delta) ChangeRadius(SelectedObjects|Selected, width|x|height|y|both, delta) ChangeRadius(SelectedArcs, width|x|height|y|both, delta) | |
ChangeSize | Changes the size of objects. | ChangeSize(Object, delta|style) ChangeSize(SelectedObjects|Selected, delta|style) ChangeSize(SelectedLines|SelectedPins|SelectedVias, delta|style) ChangeSize(SelectedPads|SelectedTexts|SelectedNames, delta|style) ChangeSize(SelectedElements, delta|style) | |
ChangeSizes | Changes all sizes of objects. | ChangeSizes(Object, delta|style) ChangeSizes(SelectedObjects|Selected, delta|style) ChangeSizes(SelectedLines|SelectedPins|SelectedVias, delta|style) ChangeSizes(SelectedPads|SelectedTexts|SelectedNames, delta|style) ChangeSizes(SelectedElements, delta|style) | |
ChangeSquare | oldactions plugin | ||
ChkBuffer | Return 1 if currently selected buffer's index matches idx | ChkBuffer(idx) | |
ChkGridSize | Return 1 if the currently selected grid matches the expected_size. If argument is "none" return 1 if there is no grid. | ChkGridSize(expected_size) ChkGridSize(none) | |
ChkGridUnits | Return 1 if currently selected grid unit matches the expected (normally mm or mil) | ChkGridUnits(expected) | |
ChkLayer | Returns 1 if the specified layer is the active layer | ChkLayer(layerid) | |
ChkMode | Return 1 if the currently selected mode is the expected_mode | ChkMode(expected_mode) | |
ChkRst | Return 1 if route_style_id matches pen. | ChkRst(route_style_id) | |
ChkSubcID | Return 1 if currently shown subc ID matches the requested pattern | ChkSubcID(pattern) | |
ChkTermID | Return 1 if currently shown term ID matches the requested pattern | ChkTermID(pattern) | |
ChkView | Return 1 if layerid is visible. | ChkView(layerid) | |
circle | Generate a filled circle (zero length round cap line) | circle([where,] diameter) | shape plugin |
claimnet | Claim existing connections and create a new net | ClaimNet(object|selected|found,[netname]) | |
ClearOctagon | oldactions plugin | ||
ClearSquare | oldactions plugin | ||
ClipInhibit | ClipInhibit Feature Template. | ClipInhibit([on|off|check]) | |
cli_MessageBox | Intenal: CLI frontend action. Do not use directly. | ||
cli_PromptFor | Intenal: CLI frontend action. Do not use directly. | ||
ClrFlag | Clears flags on objects. | ClrFlag(Object|Selected|SelectedObjects, flag) ClrFlag(SelectedLines|SelectedPins|SelectedVias, flag) ClrFlag(SelectedPads|SelectedTexts|SelectedNames, flag) ClrFlag(SelectedElements, flag) flag = thermal | join | |
Command | Displays the command line input in the status area. | Command() | lib_hid_common plugin |
conf | Perform various operations on the configuration tree. | conf(set, path, value, [role], [policy]) - change a config setting to an absolute value conf(delta, path, value, [role], [policy]) - change a config setting by a delta value (numerics-only) conf(toggle, path, [role]) - invert boolean value of a flag; if no role given, overwrite the highest prio config conf(reset, role) - reset the in-memory lihata of a role conf(iseq, path, value) - returns whether the value of a conf item matches value (for menu checked's) | |
confget | Return conf node value or property from the merged in-memory/native storage. Returns nil if node is unset (for value query) or not found. Intended for scripting. | ConfGet(path, [value]) - return the value of a conf node; units, colors and lists are returned as string. ConfGet(path, desc) - return the human readable description ConfGet(path, ArraySize) - number of elements ConfGet(path, ReadOnly) - returns 1 if node is read-only, 0 otherwise ConfGet(path, ConfRev) - conf (merge) rev number the value last changed | |
Connection | Searches connections of the object at the cursor position. | Connection(Find|ResetLinesAndPolygons|ResetPinsAndVias|Reset) | |
constraint | Configure or remove a drawing constraint | constraint(type, off) constraint(type, value, [value...]) | ddraft plugin |
cpcb | Executed external autorouter cpcb to route the board or parts of the board | cpcb(board|selected, [command]) | cpcb plugin |
CreateMenu | Creates a new menu, popup (only path specified) or submenu (at least path and action are specified) | CreateMenu(path) CreateMenu(path, action, tooltip, cookie, [accel]) | |
CreateText | Create a new text object | CreateText(layer, fontID, X, Y, direction, scale, text) | |
Cursor (RND) | Move the cursor. | Cursor(Type,DeltaUp,DeltaRight,Units) | |
CycleDrag | Cycle through which object is being dragged | CycleDrag() | |
d1 | debug action for development | d1() | diag plugin |
dad | Manipulate Dynamic Attribute Dialogs | dad(dlgname, new) - create new dialog dad(dlgname, label, text) - append a label widget dad(dlgname, button, text) - append a button widget dad(dlgname, button_closes, label, retval, ...) - standard close buttons dad(dlgname, enum, choices) - append an enum (combo box) widget; choices is a tab separated list dad(dlgname, bool) - append an checkbox widget (default off) dad(dlgname, integer|real|coord, min, max) - append an input field dad(dlgname, string) - append a single line text input field dad(dlgname, default, val) - set the default value of a widet while creating the dialog dad(dlgname, help, tooltip) - set the help (tooltip) text for the current widget dad(dlgname, progress) - append a progress bar (set to 0) dad(dlgname, preview, cb_act_prefix, minsize_x, minsize_y, [ctx]) - append a preview with a viewbox of 10*10mm, minsize in pixels dad(dlgname, tree, cols, istree, [header]) - append tree-table widget; header is like enum values dad(dlgname, tree_append, row, cells) - append after row (0 means last item of the root); cells is like enum values; returns a row pointer dad(dlgname, tree_append_under, row, cells) - append at the end of the list under row (0 means last item of the root); cells is like enum values; returns a row pointer dad(dlgname, tree_insert, row, cells) - insert before row (0 means first item of the root); cells is like enum values; returns a row pointer dad(dlgname, begin_hbox) - begin horizontal box dad(dlgname, begin_vbox) - begin vertical box dad(dlgname, begin_hpane) - begin horizontal paned box dad(dlgname, begin_vpane) - begin vertical paned box dad(dlgname, begin_table, cols) - begin table layout box dad(dlgname, begin_tabbed, tabnames) - begin a view with tabs; tabnames are like choices in an enum; must have as many children widgets as many names it has dad(dlgname, end) - end the last begin dad(dlgname, flags, flg1, flg2, ...) - change the flags of the last created widget dad(dlgname, onchange, action) - set the action to be called on widget change dad(dlgname, run, title) - present dlgname as a non-modal dialog dad(dlgname, run_modal, title) - present dlgname as a modal dialog dad(dlgname, exists) - returns wheter the named dialog exists (0 or 1) dad(dlgname, set, widgetID, val) - changes the value of a widget in a running dialog dad(dlgname, get, widgetID, [unit]) - return the current value of a widget dad(dlgname, iterate) - runs a global GUI iteration (event dispatch, redraw) dad(dlgname, raise) - pops up window in front dad(dlgname, close) - close the dialog (and return 0 from modal run) | lib_hid_common plugin |
ddraft | Enter 2d drafting CLI mode or execute command | ddraft([command]) | ddraft plugin |
Debug | Debug action. | Debug(...) | oldactions plugin |
DebugXY | Debug action, with coordinates | DebugXY(...) | oldactions plugin |
Delete | Delete stuff. | Delete(Object [,idpath]) Delete(Selected) Delete(AllRats|SelectedRats) | |
DeleteRats | Delete rat lines. | DeleteRats(AllRats|Selected|SelectedRats) | |
DelGroup | Remove a layer group; if the first argument is not specified, the current group is removed | DelGroup([@group]) | |
DescribeLocation | Return a string constant (valud until the next call) containing a short description at x;y (object, net, etc.) | DescribeLocation(x, y) | lib_hid_pcbui/status |
DisableVendor | Disables automatic drill size mapping. | DisableVendor() | oldactions plugin |
DisperseElements | Disperses subcircuits. | DisperseElements(All|Selected) | |
Display | Several display-related actions. | Display(SubcID, template) Display(Grid|Redraw|Pinout|PinOrPadName) Display(CycleClip|ToggleAllDirections|ToggleStartDirection) Display(RealignGrid|ToggleRubberBandMode|ToggleUniqueNames) Display(ToggleName|ToggleClearLine|ToggleFullPoly|ToggleSnapPin) Display(ToggleSnapOffGridLine|ToggleHighlightOnPoint|ToggleCheckPlanes) Display(ToggleThindraw|ToggleThindrawPoly|ToggleOrthoMove|ToggleLocalRef) Display(ToggleLiveRoute|ToggleShowDRC|ToggleAutoDRC|LockNames|OnlyNames) | |
distribute | Distribute objects | Distribute(X/Y, [Lefts/Rights/Tops/Bottoms/Centers/Marks/Gaps, [First/Last/pcb_crosshair, First/Last/pcb_crosshair[, Gridless]]]) | distalign plugin |
distributetext | Distribute objects | Distribute(X/Y, [Lefts/Rights/Tops/Bottoms/Centers/Marks/Gaps, [First/Last/pcb_crosshair, First/Last/pcb_crosshair[, Gridless]]]) | distalign plugin |
djopt | Perform various optimizations on the current board. | djopt(debumpify|unjaggy|simple|vianudge|viatrim|orthopull) djopt(auto) - all of the above djopt(miter) | djopt |
dlg_confval_edit | Present a dialog box for editing the value of a conf node at path. | dlg_confval_edit(path, idx, role, [modal]) | lib_hid_common plugin |
dlg_obj_list | Let the user select an object from a list of objects | dlg_obj_list() | dialogs plugin |
dlg_test | test the attribute dialog | dlg_test() | dialogs plugin |
DrawColor | Set pen color in of a gc. | DrawColor(gc, colorstr) | act_draw |
DrawLine | Low level draw (render) a line using graphic context gc. | DrawLine(gc, x1, y1, x2, y2, thickness) | act_draw |
DrawPoly | Low level draw (render) a polygon using graphic context gc. | DrawPoly(gc, x, y, x, y, x, y, [x, y...]) | act_draw |
DrawText | Low level draw (render) a text object using graphic context gc. | DrawText(gc, x, y, string, rot, scale_percent) | act_draw |
DRC | Invoke the DRC check. Results are presented as the argument requests. | DRC([list|simple|print|log|dump]) | |
DrcDialog | Execute drc checks and invoke a view list dialog box for presenting the results | DrcDialog([list|simple]) | dialogs plugin |
DrcQueryDefMod | Automated DRC rule editing (for scripting and import) | DrcQueryDefMod(clear, source) DrcQueryDefMod(create, rule_name) DrcQueryDefMod(get, rule_name, field_name) DrcQueryDefMod(set, rule_name, field_name, value) | drc_query |
DrcQueryEditRule | Interactive, GUI based DRC rule editor | DrcQueryEditRule(role, path, rule) DrcQueryEditRule(role, rule) | drc_query |
DrcQueryExport | Export a rule and related definitions to a file. | DrcQueryExport(ruleID, [filename], [format]) | drc_query |
DrcQueryImport | Import a rule and related definitions from a file. | DrcQueryImport([filename]) | drc_query |
DrcQueryListRules | List all drc rules implemented in drc_query | DrcQueryListRules() | drc_query |
DrcQueryRuleMod | Automated DRC rule editing (for scripting and import) | DrcQueryRuleMod(clear, source) DrcQueryRuleMod(create, rule_name) DrcQueryRuleMod(get, rule_name, field_name) DrcQueryRuleMod(set, rule_name, field_name, value) DrcQueryRuleMod(remove, rule_name) | drc_query |
duktape | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
DumpActions | Dump all actions available. | DumpActions() | |
dumpconf | Perform various operations on the configuration tree. | dumpconf(native, [verbose], [prefix]) - dump the native (binary) config tree to stdout dumpconf(lihata, role, [prefix]) - dump in-memory lihata representation of a config tree | diag_rnd |
DumpCsect | Print the cross-section of the board (layer stack) | DumpCsect() | draw_csect |
dumpdata | Dump an aspect of the data | dumpdata() | diag plugin |
dumpflags | dump flags, optionally using the format string provided by the user | dumpflags([fmt]) | diag plugin |
dumpfonts | Print info about fonts | dumpfonts() | diag plugin |
dumpids | Dump the ID hash | DumpIDs() | diag plugin |
dumplayers | Print info about each layer | dumplayers([all]) | diag plugin |
DumpLibFootprint | print footprint file and metadata to stdout | DumpLibFootprint(footprintname, [bbox|origin]) | diag plugin |
DumpLibrary | Display the entire contents of the libraries. | DumpLibrary() | oldactions plugin |
DumpObjFlags | Print a script processable digest of all flags, per object type | DumpObjFlags() | |
DumpPluginDirs | Print plugins directories in a format digestable by scripts. | DumpPluginDirs() | |
DumpPlugins | Print plugins loaded in a format digestable by scripts. | DumpPlugins() | |
dumpundo | Print info about fonts | dumpfonts() | diag plugin |
DumpVersion | Dump version in script readable format. | DumpVersion() | |
DupGroup | Duplicate a layer group; if the first argument is not specified, the current group is duplicated | DupGroup([@group]) | |
EditGroup | Change a property or attribute of a layer group. If the first argument starts with @, it is taken as the group name to manipulate, else the action uses the current layer's group. Without arguments or if only a layer name is specified, interactive runs editing. | Editgroup([@group], [name=text|type=+bit|type=-bit])] Editlayer([@layer], attrib, key=value) | |
EditLayer | Change a property or attribute of a layer. If the first argument starts with @, it is taken as the layer name to manipulate, else the action uses the current layer. Without arguments or if only a layer name is specified, interactive runs editing. | Editlayer([@layer], [name=text|auto=[0|1]|sub=[0|1])] Editlayer([@layer], attrib, key=value) | |
ElementList | Adds the given element if it doesn't already exist. | ElementList(Start|Done|Need, | |
ElementSetAttr | Sets or clears an element-specific attribute. | ElementSetAttr(refdes,name[,value]) | |
EnableVendor | Enables automatic drill size mapping. | EnableVendor() | oldactions plugin |
estutter | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
EvalConf | Perform various operations on the configuration tree. | EvalConf(path) - evaluate a config path in different config sources to figure how it ended up in the native database | diag_rnd |
ExecActionFile | Run actions from the given file. | ExecuteFile(filename) | |
ExecCommand | Run shell command | System(shell_cmd) | |
ExecuteFile | Run actions from the given file. | ExecuteFile(filename) | |
ExpFeatTmp | Experimental Feature Template. | ExpFeatTmp(...) | experimental features plugin |
Export | Export the current layout, e.g. Export(png, --dpi, 600) | Export(exporter, [exporter-args]) | |
ExportcpcbTo | Dumps the current board in c-pcb format. | ExportcpcbTo(filename) | cpcb plugin |
ExportDialog | Open the export dialog. | ExportDialog() | lib_hid_common plugin |
ExportGUI | Open the export dialog. | ExportDialog() | dialogs plugin |
ExportOldConn | Export galvanic connection data in an old, custom file format. | ExportOldConn(AllConnections|AllUnusedPins|ElementConnections,filename) | export_oldconn HID |
ExportScadPoly | exports all selected polygons to an openscad script; only the outmost contour of each poly is exported | ScadExportPoly(filename) | openscad HID |
extedit | extedit(object|selected|buffer, [interactive|method]) | Invoke an external program to edit a specific part of the current board. | extedit plugin |
ExtobjConvFrom | Create a new extended object of extotype by converting existing objects | ExtobjConvFrom(selected|buffer, extotype) ExtobjConvFrom(object, extotype, [idpath]) | |
ExtobjGUIPropEdit | Invoke the extobj-implementation-specific GUI property editor, if available | ExtobjGUIPropEdit([object, [idpath]]) | |
ExtobjToggle | Convert an extobj into a plain subc or back | ExtobjToggle([object, [idpath]]) | |
extroute | Executed external autorouter to route the board or parts of the board | extroute(board|selected, router, [confkey=value, ...]) | extern autorouter plugin |
fawk | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
fbas | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
find2perf | Measure the peformance of find2.c | find2perf() | diag plugin |
FlagEdit | Change the layer binding. | FlagEdit(object) | dialogs plugin |
Flip | Flip a subcircuit to the opposite side of the board. | Flip(Object|Selected) | |
FontBaseline | Change the baseline value and redraw. If there is no baseline, add baseline first. | FontBaseline(+-delta) | fontmode plugin |
FontEdit | Convert the current font to a PCB for editing. | FontEdit() | fontmode plugin |
FontModePreview | Open the font mode preview dialog that also helps editing font tables | FontModePreview() | fontmode plugin |
FontNormalize | Normalize all glyphs (left justify) | FontNormalize() | fontmode plugin |
FontSave | Convert the current PCB back to a font. | FontSave([filename]) | fontmode plugin |
Fontsel | Open the font selection dialog | Fontsel() | dialogs plugin |
FontSetXdelta | Calculate the right side of each glyph and place xdelta xd to the right (xd should be a distance: number and unit) | FontSetXdelta(xd) | fontmode plugin |
FontXform | Transform font graphics in fontmode (FontEdit) | FontXform(xform1, params..., [xform2, params...], ...) | fontmode plugin |
forcecolor | change selected objects' color to #RRGGBB, reset if does not start with '#' | forcecolor(#RRGGBB) | diag plugin |
formula_bisect | Find the value for exactly one of the arguments that produces the expected result. One argument must be a string with type:min:max:precision, the rest of the arguments and res must be numeric. | formula_bisect(action, res, args) | lib_formula plugin |
fpas | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
fp_rehash | Flush the library index; rescan all library search paths and rebuild the library index. Useful if there are changes in the library during a pcb-rnd session. | fp_rehash() | |
FreeRotateBuffer | Rotates the current paste buffer contents by the specified angle. The angle is given in degrees. If no angle is given, the user is prompted for one. | FreeRotateBuffer([Angle]) | |
FsdSimple | File selection dialog, simplified API; for meaning of the arguments, see the HID API doc. | FsdSimple(title, descr, default_file, default_ext, history_tag, [read]) | lib_hid_common plugin |
FsdTest | Central, DAD based File Selection Dialog demo | FsdTest() | lib_hid_common plugin |
FullScreen | Hide widgets to get edit area full screen | FullScreen(on|off|toggle) | |
GetMark | Return mark properties in numeric form. | GetMark(active|user_placed|x|y) | act_read |
GetParentData | Return the closest upstream pcb_data_t * parent of an object | GetParentData([root_data,] idpath) | act_read |
GetStyle | Return integer index (>=0) of the currently active style or -1 if no style is selected (== custom style) | GetStyle() | |
GetValue | Convert a coordinate value. Returns an unitless double or FGW_ERR_ARG_CONV. The 3rd parameter controls whether to require relative coordinates (+- prefix). Wraps rnd_get_value_ex(). | GetValue(input, units, relative, default_unit) | act_read |
GetXY (RND) | Get a coordinate. If x or y specified, the return value of the action is the x or y coordinate. | GetXY([message, [x|y]]) | |
GfxMod | Modify a gfx object: set transparent pixel on the pixmap or resize by measurement | GfxMod(transparent, [idpath, [#rrggbb]]) GfxMod(transparent, [idpath, [x, y]]) GfxMod(resize, [idpath, [pdx, pdy1, len]]) | |
GlobalPuller | Pull all traces tight. With no argument it runs on the current layer. | pcb_act_GlobalPuller([Found|Selected]) | puller plugin |
Grid | Set the grid. | grid(set, [name:]size[@offs][!unit]) grid(+|up) grid(-|down) grid(#N) grid(idx, N) grid(get) grid(ask) | |
GroupPropGui | Change group flags and properties | GroupPropGui(groupid) | dialogs plugin |
gui_FallbackColorPick | Intenal: GUI frontend action. Do not use directly. | lib_hid_common plugin | |
gui_fpmap_choose | Internal call action for a dialog to select a footprint from a map. | gui_fpmap_choose(map) | dialogs plugin |
gui_MayOverwriteFile | Intenal: GUI frontend action. Do not use directly. | lib_hid_common plugin | |
gui_MessageBox | Intenal: GUI frontend action. Do not use directly. | lib_hid_common plugin | |
gui_PromptFor | Intenal: GUI frontend action. Do not use directly. | lib_hid_common plugin | |
h | Print a help message for commands. | h | shand_cmd plugin |
Help | On-line action help | Help() | |
IDP | Basic idpath manipulation. | IDP([print|free|dup], idpath) | act_read |
IDPList | Basic idpath list manipulation. | IDPList(alloc) IDPList(free|clear|print|dup|length, list) IDPList(get|pop|remove, list, idx) IDPList(prepend|append|push, list, idpath) | act_read |
impedance_coplanar_waveguide | Calculate the approximated impedance of a coplanar_waveguide transmission line, in ohms | impedance_coplanar_waveguide(trace_width, trace_clearance, subst_height, dielectric) | lib_formula plugin |
impedance_microstrip | Calculate the approximated impedance of a microstrip transmission line, in ohms | impedance_microstrip(trace_width, trace_height, subst_height, dielectric) | lib_formula plugin |
Import | Import schematics. | Import() Import([gnetlist|make[,source,source,...]]) Import(setnewpoint[,(mark|center|X,Y)]) Import(setdisperse,D,units) | oldactions plugin |
ImportcpcbFrom | Loads the auto-routed tracks from the specified c-pcb output. | ImportcpcbFrom(filename) | cpcb plugin |
ImportGUI | Asks user which schematics to import into PCB. | ImportGUI() | oldactions plugin |
ImportSch | Import schematics/netlist. | ImportSch() ImportSch(reimport) ImportSch(setup, importer, [args...]) | import_sch2 plugin |
ImportSes | Loads the specified routed dsn file. | ImportSes(filename) | dsn importer/ses |
Info | report plugin | ||
InfoBarFileChanged | Present the "file changed" warning info bar with buttons to reload or cancel | InfoBarFileChanged(open|close) | dialogs plugin |
integrity | perform integrirty check on the current board and generate errors if needed | integrity() | diag plugin |
IntersectObjObj | Returns 1 if point x;y with radius r is on the arc addressed by idpath, 0 else. | IntersectObjObj(idpath, idpath) | act_read |
InvalidateAll | Redraw the drawing area | InvalidateAll() | act_draw |
IOIncompatList | Present the format incompatibilities of the last save to file operation. | IOIncompatList([list|simple]) | |
IOIncompatListDialog | Present the format incompatibilities of the last save to file operation in a GUI dialog. | IOIncompatListDialog([list|simple]) | dialogs plugin |
irc | non-modal, single-instance, single-server, single-channel irc window for online support | irc() | irc plugin |
IsPointOnArc | Returns 1 if point x;y with radius r is on the arc addressed by idpath, 0 else. | IsPointOnArc(x, y, r, idpath) | act_read |
IsPointOnLine | Returns 1 if point x;y with radius r is on the line addressed by idpath, 0 else. | IsPointOnLine(x, y, r, idpath) | act_read |
javascript | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
jostle | Make room by moving wires away. | Jostle(diameter) | jostle plugin |
js | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
l | Loads layout data. | l [name] [format] | shand_cmd plugin |
LayerBinding | Change the layer binding. | LayerBinding(object) LayerBinding(buffer) | dialogs plugin |
LayerByStack | Layer operations based on physical layer stacking | LayerByStack(select, prev|next) | |
LayerHotkey | Change the key binding for a layer | LayerHotkey(layer, select|vis) | lib_hid_pcbui/actions |
LayerObjDup | Duplicate srcobj on a layer. Srcobj is specified by an idpath. For now data must be "pcb". Returns the idpath of the new object or 0 on error. | LayerObjDup([noundo,] data, layer, srcobj) | act_draw |
LayerPropGui | Change layer flags and properties | LayerPropGui(layerid) | dialogs plugin |
LayerVisReset | Reset layer visibility to safe defaults. | LayerVisReset() | |
LayerXform | Reset layer visibility to safe defaults. | LayerXform(layerid, toggle|set|clear, xformfield, [value]) | |
le | Loads an element (subcircuit, footprint) into the current buffer. | le [name] | shand_cmd plugin |
LibraryChanged | Tells the GUI that the libraries have changed. | LibraryChanged() | oldactions plugin |
LibraryDialog | Open the library dialog. | libraryDialog() | dialogs plugin |
LineNew | Create a pcb line segment on a layer. For now data must be "pcb". Returns the idpath of the new object or 0 on error. | LineNew([noundo,] data, layer, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, Thickness, Clearance, Flags) | act_draw |
ListRotations | oldactions plugin | ||
ListScripts (RND) | List fungw scripts, optionally filtered wiht regex pat. | ListScripts([pat]) | script plugin |
LiveScript (RND) | Manage a live script | LiveScript([new], [name]) LiveScript(load|save, name, [filame]) LiveScript(run|stop|rerun|undo, name) | script plugin |
Load | Load layout data from a user-selected file. | Load() Load(Layout|LayoutToBuffer|ElementToBuffer|Netlist|Revert) | dialogs plugin |
LoadAccelNetFrom | Loads the specified Accel EDA netlist file. | LoadAccelNetFrom(filename) | accel_net importer |
LoadCalayFrom | Loads the specified calay netlist/component file pair. | LoadCalayFrom(filename) | calay importer |
LoadDsnFrom | LoadDsnFrom() is a legacy action provided for compatibility and will be removed later. Please use ImportSes() instead! | LoadDsnFrom(filename) | dsn importer/ses |
LoadEeschemaFrom | Loads the specified eeschema .net file - the netlist must be an s-expression. | LoadEeschemaFrom(filename) | kicad plugin |
LoadFontFrom | Load PCB font from a file | LoadFontFrom([file, id]) | |
LoadFootprint | Loads a single footprint by name. | LoadFootprint(filename[,refdes,value]) | |
LoadFpcbnlFrom | Loads the specified freepcb netlist. | LoadFpcbnlFrom(filename) | fpcb_nl importer |
LoadFrom | Load layout data from a file. | LoadFrom(Layout|LayoutToBuffer|SubcToBuffer|Netlist|Revert,filename[,format]) | |
LoadHpglFrom | Loads the specified hpgl plot file to the current buffer | LoadHpglFrom(filename) | hpgl importer |
LoadhypFrom | Loads the specified Hyperlynx file. | LoadhypFrom(filename) | hyp importer |
LoadIpc356From | Loads the specified IPC356-D netlist | LoadIpc356From(filename, [nonet], [nopad], [nosubc]) | ipcd356 importer |
LoadLtspiceFrom | Loads the specified ltspice .net and .asc file - the netlist must be mentor netlist. | LoadLtspiceFrom(filename) | ltspice importer |
LoadMentorFrom | Loads the specified Mentor Graphics Design Capture schematics flat .edf file. | LoadMentorFrom(filename) | mentor_sch importer |
LoadMucsFrom | Loads the specified mucs routing file. | LoadMucsFrom(filename) | mucs importer |
LoadOrcadNetFrom | Loads the specified Orcad netlist file. | LoadOrcadNetFrom(filename) | orcad_net importer |
LoadPadsNetFrom | Loads the specified pads ascii netlist .asc file. | LoadPadsNetFrom(filename) | pads_net importer |
LoadPixmap | Loads a pixmap image from disk and creates a gfx object in buffer. | LoadPixmap([filename]) | |
LoadProtelNetFrom | Loads the specified protel netlist 2.0 file. | LoadProtelNetFrom(filename) | protel_net importer |
LoadScript (RND) | Load a fungw script | LoadScript(id, filename, [language]) | script plugin |
LoadTedaxFrom | Loads the specified block from a tedax file. | LoadTedaxFrom(netlist|board|footprint|stackup|layer|drc|drc_query|route_res, filename, [block_id, [silent, [src]]]) | tEDAx IO |
LoadTinycadFrom | Loads the specified tinycad .net file - the netlist must be tinycad netlist output. | LoadTinycadFrom(filename) | tinycad importer |
LoadTtf | Presents a GUI dialog for interactively loading glyphs from from a ttf file | LoadTtf() | ttf importer |
LoadTtfGlyphs | Loads glyphs from an outline ttf in the specified source range, optionally remapping them to dstchars range in the pcb-rnd font | LoadTtfGlyphs(filename, srcglyps, [dstchars], [outline|polygon], [scale], [offset]) | ttf importer |
LoadVendorFrom | Loads the specified vendor lihata file. If second argument is "yes" or "pure", load in pure mode without side effects: do not reset or apply, only incrementally load. | LoadVendorFrom(filename, [yes|no]) | vendor drill mapping |
Log | Manages the central, in-memory log. | Log(clear, [fromID, [toID]) Log(export, [filename, [text|lihata]) | |
LogDialog | Open the log dialog. | LogDialog() | lib_hid_common plugin |
LogGui | Log() action GUI section | LogGui(export, [filename, [text|lihata]) | |
lua | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
m | Loads a layout into the current buffer. | m [name] | shand_cmd plugin |
ManagePlugins | Manage plugins dialog. | ManagePlugins() | lib_hid_common plugin |
MarkCrosshair | Set/Reset the pcb_crosshair mark. | MarkCrosshair() MarkCrosshair(Center) | |
mawk | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
MenuDebug | Menu debug helpers: save the merged menu in a file | MenuDebug(save, path) | |
MenuPatch | Manage menu patches | MenuPatch(load, cookie, path, desc) MenuPatch(unload, cookie) MenuPatch(list) MenuPatch(InhibitInc|InhibitDec) | |
mesh | generate a mesh for simulation | mesh() | openems HID |
Message (RND) | Writes a message to the log window. | message([ERROR|WARNING|INFO|DEBUG,] message) | |
MessageBox | Open a modal message dialog box with title and label. If icon string is not empty, display the named icon on the left. Present one or more window close buttons with different text and return value. | MessageBox(icon, title, label, button_txt, button_retval, ...) | |
mill | Calculate toolpath for milling away copper | mill([script]) | millpath plugin |
MinClearGap | oldactions plugin | ||
MinMaskGap | oldactions plugin | ||
Mode | Change or use the tool mode. | Tool(Arc|Arrow|Copy|InsertPoint|Line|Lock|Move|None|PasteBuffer) Tool(Poly|Rectangle|Remove|Rotate|Text|Thermal|Via) Tool(Press|Release|Cancel|Stroke) Tool(Save|Restore) | |
MorphPolygon | Converts dead polygon islands into separate polygons. | pcb_poly_morph(Object|Selected) | |
MoveCursorTo | Move the cursor to absolute coords, pan the view as needed. | MoveCursorTo(x,y) | |
MoveLayer | Moves/Creates/Deletes Layers. | MoveLayer(old,new) MoveLayer(lid,group,gid) | |
MoveObject | Moves the object under the crosshair. | pcb_move_obj(X,Y,[units]) | |
MoveToCurrentLayer | Moves objects to the current layer. | MoveToCurrentLayer(Object|SelectedObjects) | |
mruby | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
net | Perform various actions on netlists. | Net(find|select|rats|norats|ripup|addrats|clear[,net[,pin]]) Net(freeze|thaw|forcethaw) Net(swap) Net(add,net,pin) Net([rename|merge],srcnet,dstnet) Net(remove,netname) | |
NetLength | Report physical network length | NetLength(clear) NetLength(object) | report plugin |
netlist | Perform various actions on netlists. | Net(find|select|rats|norats|ripup|addrats|clear[,net[,pin]]) Net(freeze|thaw|forcethaw) Net(swap) Net(add,net,pin) Net([rename|merge],srcnet,dstnet) Net(remove,netname) | |
NetlistChanged | Tells the GUI that the netlist has changed. | NetlistChanged() | oldactions plugin |
NetlistDialog | Open the netlist dialog or refresh network lengths in an already open dialog. | NetlistDialog([RefreshNetLens]) | dialogs plugin |
NetlistPatchDialog | Open the netlist patch dialog (back annotation). | NetlistPatchDialog() | dialogs plugin |
New | Starts a new layout. | New([name]) | |
NewGroup | Create a new layer group with a single, positive drawn layer in it | NewGroup(type [,location [, purpose[, auto|sub [,name[,grp_attribs[,unique|first|last]]]]]) | |
Normalize | Move all objects within the drawing area (or buffer 0;0), align the drawing to 0;0 (or set buffer grab point to 0;0) | Normalize([board|buffer[n]]) | |
ObjCenter | Returns the x or y coordinate of the center of an object | ObjCenter(idpath, x|y) | act_read |
Oneliner | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
OpenemsExcitation | Select which openEMS excitation method should be exported and manipulate the associated parameters. When invoked without arguments a dialog box with the same functionality is presented. | OpenemsExcitation([interactive]) OpenemsExcitation(select, excitationname) OpenemsExcitation(set, [excitationnme], paramname, paramval) OpenemsExcitation(get, [excitationnme], paramname) | openems HID |
OptAutoOnly | Toggles the optimize-only-autorouted flag. | OptAutoOnly() | oldactions plugin |
OrderPCB | Order the board from a fab | orderPCB([gui]) | order plugin |
PadstackBreakup | Break up a padstack into one non-padstack object per layer type (the hole is ignored) | PadstackBreakup(buffer|selected|objet) | |
PadstackConvert | Convert selection or current buffer to padstack | PadstackConvert(buffer|selected, [originx, originy]) | |
PadstackEdit | interactive pad stack editor | PadstackEdit(object, [tab]) | dialogs plugin |
PadstackMoveOrigin | Move origin of the padstack prototype to x;y or by delta x;y (if relative); if x;y is not specified, move origin to crosshair coords | PadstackMoveOrigin(object, [x, y]) | |
PadstackPlace | Place a pad stack (either proto_id, or if not specified, the default for style) | PadstackPlace([proto_id|default], [x, y]) | |
PadstackReplace | Replace padstack prototypes from buffer's first padstack or from the via tool | PadstackReplace(object|selected, buffer|tool) | |
PadstackSave | Save padstack to file. | PadstackSave(buffer, [filename], [fmt]) | |
Pan (RND) | Start or stop panning (Mode = 1 to start, 0 to stop) | Pan(Mode) | lib_hid_common plugin |
paral | Draw a line perpendicular to another line | perp() | ddraft plugin |
pas | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
PasteBuffer | Various operations on the paste buffer. | PasteBuffer(AddSelected|MoveSelected|Clear|1..PCB_MAX_BUFFER) PasteBuffer(Rotate, 1..3) PasteBuffer(Convert|Restore|Mirror) PasteBuffer(ToLayout, X, Y, units) PasteBuffer(ToLayout, crosshair) PasteBuffer(Save, Filename, [format], [force]) PasteBuffer(SaveAll, Filename, [format]) PasteBuffer(LoadAll, Filename) PasteBuffer(Push) PasteBuffer(Pop) PasteBuffer(GetSource, [1..PCB_MAX_BUFFER]) | |
PCBChanged | Tells the GUI that the whole PCB has changed. The "revert"parameter is deprecated but kept for compatibility and is ignored. | PCBChanged([revert]) | oldactions plugin |
PcbDelete | Alias to Delete() | ||
pcbsplit | Split objects (idpath or idpath list) with cutting edges (idpath or idpath list), returning the idpath list of the newly created objects | PcbSplit(cutting_edges, objs) | ddraft plugin |
pcb_acos | script plugin | ||
pcb_asin | script plugin | ||
pcb_atan2 | script plugin | ||
pcb_atan | script plugin | ||
pcb_cos | script plugin | ||
pcb_rand | script plugin | ||
pcb_sin | script plugin | ||
pcb_sqrt | script plugin | ||
pcb_srand | script plugin | ||
pcb_tan | script plugin | ||
perl | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
perp | Draw a line perpendicular to another line | perp() | ddraft plugin |
Pinout | Present the subcircuit pinout box | Pinout() | dialogs plugin |
PolyBool | Perform polygon boolean operation on the clipped polygons referred. A poly is either and idpath, selected, found or object (for the object under the cursor). When not specified, two object polygons are used. | PolyBool([noundo,] unite|isect|sub, [poly1, poly2, [poly...]]) | act_draw |
PolyCombine | polycombine plugin | ||
Polygon | Some polygon related stuff. | Polygon(Close|CloseHole|PreviousPoint) | |
PolyHatch | hatch the selected polygon(s) with lines of the current style; lines are drawn on the current layer; flags are h:horizontal, v:vertical, c:contour, p:poly | PolyHatch([spacing], [hvcp]) PolyHatch(interactive) | lib_polyhelp |
PolyNew | Create an empty polygon. For now data must be "pcb". Use PolyNewPoint to add points. Returns a polygon pointer valid until PolyNewEnd() is called. | PolyNew([noundo,] data, layer, ptlist, clearance, flags) | act_draw |
PolyNewEnd | Close and place a polygon started by PolyNew. Returns the idpath of the new object or 0 on error. | PolyNewEnd([noundo,] data, layer, poly) | act_draw |
PolyNewFromPoints | Create a polygon. For now data must be "pcb". ptlist is a comma separated list of coordinates (untiless coordinates are treated as mm). Returns the idpath of the new object or 0 on error. | PolyNewFromRectangle([noundo,] data, layer, ptlist, clearance, flags) | act_draw |
PolyNewFromRectangle | Create a rectangular polygon. For now data must be "pcb". Returns the idpath of the new object or 0 on error. | PolyNewFromRectangle([noundo,] data, layer, x1, y1, x2, y2, clearance, flags) | act_draw |
PolyNewPoints | Add a list of points to a polygon created by PolyNew. Returns 0 on success. | PolyNewPoints([noundo,] poly, ptlist) | act_draw |
PolyOffs | replicate the outer contour of the selected polygon(s) with growing or shrinking them by offset; the new polygon is drawn on the current layer | PolyOffs(offset) | lib_polyhelp |
PolyStitch | polystitch plugin | ||
Popup | Bring up the popup menu specified by MenuName, optionally modified with the object type under the cursor. | Popup(MenuName, [obj-type]) | lib_hid_pcbui/actions |
Preferences | Present the preferences dialog, optionally opening the tab requested. | Preferences([tabname]) | lib_hid_common plugin |
Print (RND) | Present the print export dialog for printing the layout from the GUI. | Print() | |
PrintActions | Print all actions available. | PrintActions() | |
PrintCalibrate | DEPRECATED: Calibrate the printer. | PrintCalibrate() | dialogs plugin |
PrintCopyright | Print copyright notice. | PrintCopyright() | |
PrintDialog | Open the print dialog. | PrintDialog() | lib_hid_common plugin |
PrintFiles | Print files currently loaded. | PrintFiles() | |
PrintGUI | Open the print dialog. | PrintDialog() | dialogs plugin |
PrintPaths | Print full paths and search paths. | PrintPaths() | |
PrintUsage | Print command line arguments of pcb-rnd or a plugin loaded. | PrintUsage() PrintUsage(plugin) | |
PrintVersion | Print version. | PrintVersion() | |
PromptFor (RND) | Prompt for a string. Returns the string (or NULL on cancel) | PromptFor([message[,default[,title]]]) | |
propedit | propedit(object[:id]|layer[:id]|layergrp[:id]|pcb|subc|selection|selected) | propedit | |
propget | Return the named property of scope or all selected objects to/by value. Scope is documented at PropEdit(). | propget([scope], name, [stattype]) | propedit |
propprint | Print a property map of objects matching the scope. Scope is documented at PropEdit(). | PropPrint([scope]) | propedit |
propset | Change the named property of scope or all selected objects to/by value. Scope is documented at PropEdit(). Existing attributes can be renamed to value by using a name rename/a/old_name, where old_name is the current name of the attribute. | propset([scope], name, value) | propedit |
proptoggle | Toggle the named property of scope or all selected objects, assuming the property is boolean. Scope is documented at PropEdit(). If create is true, non-existing attributes are created as true. | proptoggle([scope], name, [create]) | propedit |
pstklib | Present the padstack library dialog on board padstacks or the padstacks of a subcircuit | pstklib([auto|board|subcid|object], [retpid, [preselect]]) | dialogs plugin |
PstkNew | Create a padstack. For now data must be "pcb". glob_clearance=0 turns off global clearance. Returns the idpath of the new object or 0 on error. | PstkNew([noundo,] data, protoID, x, y, glob_clearance, flags) | act_draw |
PstkProtoEdit | Edit a padstack prototype specified by its pointer. | PstkProto([noundo,] proto, remove, layer_type) PstkProto([noundo,] proto, copy, dst_layer_type, src_layer_type) PstkProto([noundo,] proto, hdia, dia) PstkProto([noundo,] proto, shape:line, layer_type, x1, y1, x2, y2, th, [square]) | act_draw |
PstkProtoTmp | Allocate, insert or free a temporary padstack prototype | PstkProto([noundo,] new) PstkProto([noundo,] dup, idpath) PstkProto([noundo,] dup, data, src_proto_id) PstkProto([noundo,] insert, idpath|data, proto) PstkProto([noundo,] insert_dup, idpath|data, proto) PstkProto([noundo,] free, proto) | act_draw |
Puller | Pull an arc-line junction tight. | pcb_act_Puller() | puller plugin |
py | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
python | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
q! | Quits the application without confirming. | q! | shand_cmd plugin |
q | Quits the application after confirming. | q | shand_cmd plugin |
query | Perform various queries on PCB data. | query(dump, expr) - dry run: compile and dump an expression query(eval|evalidp, expr, [scope]) - compile and evaluate an expression and print a list of results on stdout query(count, expr, [scope]) - compile and evaluate an expression and return the number of matched objects (-1 on error) query(select|unselect|view, expr, [scope]) - select or unselect or build a view of objects matching an expression query(setflag:flag|unsetflag:flag, expr, [scope]) - set or unset a named flag on objects matching an expression query(append, idplist, expr, [scope]) - compile and run expr and append the idpath of resulting objects on idplist | query plugin |
QueryCalcNetLen | Calculates the network length by netname; returns an error message string or a positive coord with the length | QueryCalcNetLen(netname) | query plugin |
QueryCompileField | With "compile": precompiles textual field name to field ID; with "free": frees the memory allocated for a previously precompiled fieldID. | QueryCompileField(compile, fieldname) QueryCompileField(free, fieldID) | query plugin |
QueryObj | Return the value of a field of an object, addressed by the object's idpath and the field's name or precompiled ID. Returns NIL on error. | QueryObj(idpath, [.fieldname|fieldID]) | query plugin |
Quit | Quits the application after confirming. | Quit() | |
RbsConnect | Make a new rubber band stretch connection between two points | RbsConnect() | rbs_routing plugin |
RbsStretch | Make a new rubber band stretch connection between two points | RbsStretch() | rbs_routing plugin |
ReadBoard | Return board dimensions | ReadBoard(width|size_x|height|size_y) | act_read |
ReadGroup | Length returns the number of groups on the current PCB. Field returns one of the fields of the group named in groupid. Layerid returns the integer layer ID (as interpreted within data) for the idxth layer of the group. | ReadGroup(length) ReadGroup(field, group, [init_invis|ltype|ltypestr|ltypehas|name|open|purpose|vis|length]) ReadGroup(layerid, group, idx) | act_read |
Redo | Redo recent "undo" operations. | redo() | |
Redraw | Redraw the entire screen | Redraw() | |
RefdesText | Manipulate refdes text object on subcircuit(s) | RefdesText(object|selected, create) | |
regpoly | Generate regular polygon. Where is x;y and radius is either r or rx;ry. Rotation is in degrees. | regpoly([where,] corners, radius [,rotation]) | shape plugin |
ReloadScript (RND) | Reload a fungw script | ReloadScript(id) | script plugin |
RemoveMenu | Recursively removes a new menu, popup (only path specified) or submenu. | RemoveMenu(path, cookie) | |
RemoveSelected | Removes any selected objects. | pcb_remove_selected() | |
Renumber | Renumber all subcircuits. The changes will be recorded to filename for use in backannotating these changes to the schematic. | Renumber() Renumber(filename) | renumber plugin |
RenumberBlock | Renumber selected subcircuit refdes attributes by adding (new_base-old_base). | RenumberBlock(old_base,new_base) | renumber plugin |
RenumberBuffer | Renumber buffer subcircuit refdes attributes by adding (new_base-old_base). | RenumberBuffer(old_base,new_base) | renumber plugin |
ReplaceFootprint | Replace the footprint of the selected components with the footprint specified. | ReplaceFootprint([Selected|Object], [footprint], [dumb]) | |
Report | Produce various report. | Report([DrillReport|FoundPins|NetLengthTo]) Report(NetLength, [netname]) Report(Object|Subc, [log]) Report(AllNetLengths, [unit]) | report plugin |
ReportObject | Report on the object under the crosshair | ReportObject() | report plugin |
RipUp | Ripup auto-routed tracks | RipUp(All|Selected|Element) | |
rn | Reads netlist. | rn [name] | shand_cmd plugin |
rnd_acos | script plugin | ||
rnd_asin | script plugin | ||
rnd_atan2 | script plugin | ||
rnd_atan | script plugin | ||
rnd_cos | script plugin | ||
rnd_dlg_xpm_by_name | Intenal: GUI frontend action. Do not use directly. | lib_hid_common plugin | |
rnd_rand | script plugin | ||
rnd_sin | script plugin | ||
rnd_sqrt | script plugin | ||
rnd_srand | script plugin | ||
rnd_tan | script plugin | ||
rnd_toolbar_init | For ringdove apps: initialize the toolbar. | lib_hid_common plugin | |
rnd_toolbar_uninit | For ringdove apps: uninitialize the toolbar. | lib_hid_common plugin | |
rnd_zoom | Change zoom level (relative, absolute, window, ...) | Zoom() Zoom([+|-|=]factor) Zoom(x1, y1, x2, y2) Zoom(?) Zoom(get) | lib_hid_common plugin |
Rotate90 | Rotates the object under the crosshair by 90 degree steps. | Rotate90(steps) | |
roundrect | Generate a rectangle with round corners | roundrect([where,] width[;height] [,rx[;ry] [,rotation [,cornstyle [,roundness]]]]) | shape plugin |
RouteStyle | Without second argument: copies the indicated routing style into the current pen; with second argument sets or gets a field of the routing style. | RouteStyle(style_id|style_name|@current, [set|get|del], [trace-thickness|trace-clearance|text-thickness|text-scale|font|via-proto|name], [value]]) RouteStyle(new, [name]) | |
RouteStylesChanged | Tells the GUI that the routing styles have changed. | RouteStylesChanged() | oldactions plugin |
ruby | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
s | Saves layout data. | s [name] w [name] | shand_cmd plugin |
SafeFsclearerr | Same as clearerr(3) | SafeFsclearerr(f) | |
SafeFsFclose | Closes a file previously open using SafeFsFopen() | SafeFsFclose(f) | |
SafeFsFeof | Returns 1 if file has reached EOF, 0 otherwise | SafeFsFeof(f) | |
SafeFsFerror | Returns 1 if file had errors, 0 otherwise | SafeFsFerror(f) | |
SafeFsFgets | Reads and returns a line from f (open with SafeFsFopen()). Stops reading after maxlen (subsequent call will continue reading the same line). Returns nil on error or eof or empty line. Maxlen is 64k by default. Note: string heap allocation is made for maxlen. | SafeFsFgets(f, [maxlen]) | |
SafeFsFileMtime | Return the last modification time of a file, from Epoch, or -1 on error. | SafeFsFileMtime(path) | |
SafeFsFileSize | Return the size of a file in bytes, or -1 on error. | SafeFsFileSize(path) | |
SafeFsFopen | Opens a file using fopen, returns FILE *. If mode is not specified, r is assumed. Returns nil on error. | SafeFsFopen(path, [mode]) | |
SafeFsFputs | Writes str to file f (previously opne with SafeFsFopen)) | SafeFsFputs(f, str) | |
SafeFsFread | Reads and returns at most len bytes from a file (open with SafeFsFopen()). Returns nil on error or eof or empty line. | SafeFsFread(f, len) | |
SafeFsFreadSep | Reads characters that are either all non-seps or all seps. Reads at most maxlen bytes. Returns the string read or nil on eof or error. Seps is a string that contains every separator character. Maxlen is 64k by default. | SafeFsFreadSep(f, seps, [maxlen]) | |
SafeFsFseek | Same as fseek(3); whence is a string, one of set, cur or end not specified (set is used when not specified) | SafeFsFseek(f, offs, [whence]) | |
SafeFsFtell | Same as ftell(3). | SafeFsFtell(f) | |
SafeFsIsDir | Return 1 if path exists and is a directory, else return 0. | SafeFsIsDir(path) | |
SafeFsMkdir | Mkdir a file from the file system. If mode is a string, it is converted from octal. Return value is the same as mkdir(2)'s | SafeFsMkdir(path, mode) | |
SafeFsPathSep | Return the system dependet path separator character (normally slash). | SafeFsPathSep(path) | |
SafeFsReadFile | Reads a text file into one long string, returned, but at most maxlen bytes. If maxlen is not specified, 64k is used. Returns nil on error or empty file. | SafeFsReadFile(path, [maxlen]) | |
SafeFsRealPath | Returns the realpath(3) of path, or NULL on error. | SafeFsRealPath(path) | |
SafeFsRemove | Remove an object from the file system. Return value is the same as remove(3)'s | SafeFsRemove(path) | |
SafeFsRename | Rename an object on the file system. Return value is the same as rename(2)'s | SafeFsRename(old_path, new_path) | |
SafeFsRewind | Same as rewind(3) | SafeFsRewind(f) | |
SafeFsSystem | Runs cmdline with a shell using librnd safe_fs. Return value is the same integer as system()'s | SafeFsSystem(cmdline) | |
SafeFsUnlink | Unlink a file from the file system. Return value is the same as unlink(2)'s | SafeFsUnlink(path) | |
Save | Save layout data to a user-selected file. | Save() Save(Layout) Save(LayoutAs, [path]) Save(AllConnections|AllUnusedPins|ElementConnections, [path]) Save(PasteBuffer, [path]) Save(DialogByPattern, pcb|footprint|font|buffer, none|board|fp, prompt, [default_pattern]) | dialogs plugin |
SaveFontTo | Save PCB font to a file | SaveFontTo([file, id, fmt]) | |
SaveLib | Saves all subcircuits to a library file or directory from a board or buffer. | SaveLib(file|dir, board|buffer, [filename], [fmt]) | |
SavePatch | Save netlist patch for back annotation. File format can be specified in fmt, which should be one of: @bap (for the old gschem/sch-rnd format), @backannv1 or @backannv2 (for tEDAx), @pcb (for the old gEDA/PCB format, read by pcb-rnd only) | SavePatch([fmt], filename) | |
SaveTedax | Saves the specific type of data in a tEDAx file. | SaveTedax(netlist|board-footprints|stackup|layer|board|drc|etest, filename) SaveTedax(drc_query, filename, [rule_name])SaveTedax(route_req, filename, [confkey=value, confkey=value, ...]) | tEDAx IO |
SaveTo | Saves data to a file. | SaveTo(Layout|LayoutAs,filename,[fmt]) SaveTo(PasteBuffer,filename,[fmt]) | |
ScaleBuffer | Scales the buffer by multiplying all coordinates by a floating point number. If only x is given, it is also used for y and thickness too. If subc is not empty, subcircuits are also scaled | ScaleBuffer(x [,y [,thickness [,subc]]]) | |
ScriptCookie (RND) | Return a cookie specific to the current script instance during script initialization | ScriptCookie() | script plugin |
ScriptPersistency (RND) | Read or remove script persistency data savd on preunload | ScriptPersistency(read|remove) | script plugin |
Scroll (RND) | Scroll the viewport. | Scroll(up|down|left|right, [pixels]) | lib_hid_common plugin |
SearchDialog | Open the log dialog. | SearchDialog() | query plugin |
Select | Toggles or sets the selection. | Select(Object, [idpath]) Select(ToggleObject) Select(All|Block|Connection|Invert) Select(Convert) | |
SelectLayer | Select which layer is the current layer. | SelectLayer(1..MAXLAYER|Silk|Rats) | |
SetFlag | Sets flags on objects. | SetFlag(Object|Selected|SelectedObjects, flag) SetFlag(SelectedLines|SelectedPins|SelectedVias, flag) SetFlag(SelectedPads|SelectedTexts|SelectedNames, flag) SetFlag(SelectedElements, flag) flag = thermal | join | |
SetGrid | Change grid size. | SetGrid(delta|*mult|/div, [unit]) | |
SetGridOffs (RND) | Change grid offset (alignment) to x_offs and y_offs. Offsets should be specified with units. | SetGridOffs(x_offs, y_offs) | |
SetOctagon | oldactions plugin | ||
SetSame | Sets current layer and sizes to match indicated item. | SetSame() | |
SetSquare | oldactions plugin | ||
SetThermal | Set the thermal (on the current layer) of padstacks to the given style. Style is one of: 0: means no thermal. 1: horizontal/vertical, round. 2: horizontal/vertical, sharp. 3: is a solid connection to the polygon. 4: (invalid). 5: diagonal, round. 6: diagonal, sharp. noshape: no copper shape on layer | SetThermal(Object|SelectedPins|SelectedVias|Selected, Style) | |
SetUnits (RND) | Set the default measurement units. | SetUnits(mm|mil) | |
SetValue | Change various board-wide values and sizes. | SetValue(Grid|Line|LineSize|Text|TextScale, delta) | |
shape | Interactive shape generator. | shape() | shape plugin |
smartdisperse | Disperse subcircuits into clusters, by netlist connections | SmartDisperse([All|Selected]) | smartdisperse plugin |
split | Use one or more objects as cutting edge and trim or split other objects. First argument is the cutting edge | trim([selected|found|object], [selected|found|object]) split([selected|found|object], [selected|found|object]) | ddraft plugin |
StatusSetText | Replace status printout with text temporarily; turn status printout back on if text is not provided. | StatusSetText([text]) | lib_hid_pcbui/status |
stroke | Various gesture recognition related functions | stroke(gesture, seq) | stroke plugin |
stt | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
subc | Various operations on subc | subc(hash, [board|selected]) subc(loose, on|off|toggle|check) | |
SwapSides | Swaps the side of the board you're looking at. | SwapSides(|v|h|r, [S]) | lib_hid_pcbui/actions |
System | Run shell command | System(shell_cmd) | |
tang | Draw a line to be tangential to a circle | tang() | ddraft plugin |
tcl | Execute a script one-liner using a specific language | Oneliner(lang, script) | script plugin |
Teardrops | teardrops plugin | ||
TedaxTestParse | Returns 1 if the file looks like tEDAx (0 if not) | TedaxTestParse(filename|FILE*) | tEDAx IO |
TextNew | Create a pcb text on a layer. For now data must be "pcb". Font id 0 is the default font. Thickness 0 means default, calculated thickness. Scale=100 is the original font size. Returns the idpath of the new object or 0 on error. | TextNew([noundo,] data, layer, fontID, x, y, rot, scale, thickness, text_string, flags) | act_draw |
ToggleHideName | oldactions plugin | ||
ToggleVendor | Toggles the state of automatic drill size mapping. | ToggleVendor() | oldactions plugin |
ToggleView | Toggle the visibility of the specified layer or layer group. | ToggleView(1..MAXLAYER) ToggleView(layername) ToggleView(Silk|Rats|Pins|Vias|BackSide) ToggleView(All, Open|Vis, Set|Clear|Toggle) | |
Tool (RND) | Change or use the tool mode. | Tool(Arc|Arrow|Copy|InsertPoint|Line|Lock|Move|None|PasteBuffer) Tool(Poly|Rectangle|Remove|Rotate|Text|Thermal|Via) Tool(Press|Release|Cancel|Stroke) Tool(Save|Restore) | |
ToPoly | convert a closed loop of lines and arcs into a polygon | ToPoly() ToPoly(outline) | lib_polyhelp |
trim | Use one or more objects as cutting edge and trim or split other objects. First argument is the cutting edge | trim([selected|found|object], [selected|found|object]) split([selected|found|object], [selected|found|object]) | ddraft plugin |
UILayer | Create or free UI layers. 'New' returns a layer ID that cna be used for addressing. | UILayer(new, name, color) UILayer(free, layer) | act_draw |
Undo | Undo recent changes. | undo() undo(ClearList|FreezeSerial|UnfreezeSerial|FreezeAdd|UnfreezeAdd|IncSerial|GetSerial|Above) | |
UndoDialog | Open the undo dialog. | UndoDialog() | dialogs plugin |
UnloadScript (RND) | Unload a fungw script | UnloadScript(id) | script plugin |
UnloadVendor | Unloads the current vendor drill mapping table. | UnloadVendor() | vendor drill mapping |
Unselect | Unselects the object at the pointer location or the specified objects. | Unselect(All|Block|Connection) | |
ViewList | Present a new empty view list | viewlist([name, [winid, [listptr]]]) | dialogs plugin |
w | Saves layout data. | s [name] w [name] | shand_cmd plugin |
wq | Saves the layout data and quits. | wq | shand_cmd plugin |
Zoom | GUI zoom | Zoom() Zoom([+|-|=]factor) Zoom(x1, y1, x2, y2) Zoom(?) Zoom(get) Zoom(found|selected) | lib_hid_pcbui/actions |
ZoomTo | GUI zoom | Zoom() Zoom([+|-|=]factor) Zoom(x1, y1, x2, y2) Zoom(?) Zoom(get) Zoom(found|selected) | lib_hid_pcbui/actions |
RND: this action comes from librnd and is common to all ringdove applications.