The purpose of the CAM support is to provide a unified interface to export a board in different file formats using different exporter plugins. The interface consists of a CLI layer (each export plugin's "cam" option) and an optional GUI (the CAM plugin).
This section is about the syntax used by the exporters that export multiple layers (e.g. gerber, ps, png).
Each CAM-plugin-compatible exporter plugin offers an option called "cam". The syntax and capabilities are the same for all exporter's cam option.
The syntax is:
outfile=[global-opts] layergrp,layergrp,...
directive | explanation |
bot.gbr=@bottom_copper,@bottom_silk | export layer groups called bottom_copper and bottom_silk (by group name) | | export the top assembly layer group (by type) | | export the first virtual layer group with 'fab' purpose |
gnd=copper:2 | export the second copper layer group from the top (the first internal copper layer group under the top copper layer group, if it is a multilayer board; for 2 layer boards this will be the bottom copper layer group) |
gnd=intern-copper:1 | similar to the above, but addresses the first internal copper layer group explicitly so it can not end up being the bottom copper layer group |
pwr=copper:-2 | export the second copper layer group from the bottom (the first internal copper layer group above the bottom copper layer group, if it is a multilayer board; for 2 layer boards this will be the top copper layer group) |
gnd=intern-copper:-1 | similar to the above, but addresses the last internal copper layer group explicitly so it can not end up being the top copper layer group |
pst.gbr=top-paste(bloat=0.1mm),bottom-paste(bloat=0.1mm) | export the top and bottom paste groups in the same file with all objects bloated up by 0.1mm |
plated_drills.cnc=virtual(purpose=pdrill) | export plated drilled holes (padstack side effects, but no slots) |
unplated_drills.cnc=virtual(purpose=udrill) | export unplated drilled holes (padstack side effects, but no slots) |
unplated_drills.cnc=[okempty] virtual(purpose=udrill) | same as the previous, but do not print a warning if there was no unplated drill in the design |
If multiple layer groups match a layergrp specification, all matching layer groups are exported. If the file name is a static string, they are all merged. If the file name is templated, it is possible to export the layer groups in multiple files. For example:
directive | explanation |
copper.gbr=copper | export all copper layers to copper.gbr |
copper-%top_offs%.gbr=copper | export all copper layers to numbered copper-N.gbr files where N is the offset from the top side, starting from 0 (for top copper) |
copper-%name%.gbr=copper | export all copper layers to numbered copper-N.gbr files where N is the full name of the group being exported |
This section is about the syntax used by the exporters export global digest of the board and not layers (e.g. XY).
For these exporters the above apply with no layergrp specified. In the simplest for this means the '=' and the rest of the line is omitted. However, if supplement needs to be passed, the syntax is filename=(supplement). For example the XY exporter can be used with
--cam foo.xyor a partial excellon export can be done using:
--cam foo.exc=(partial)
The --cam option in these exporters are implemented for two reasons:
In partial exporting the rendering code in core will draw only those object that have the EXPORTSEL flag set. The flag is normally set by a query() action using an expression.
A typical use of this feature is to export plugged/filled vias into a separate file, assuming the padstacks have a specific attribute set.
The CAM plugin is a way to manage output "jobs": collections of cam export settings for reproducing export packages in various formats.
A job is a script that contains zero or more export directives, separated by semicolons or newlines. An export directive is one of these:
desc text plugin name [--option value] [--option value] ... write outfile=layergrp[,layergrp,...]
desc is a free form one-liner that describes what the job is for. Multiple desc directives may be present (to bypass the limitation that the text can not contain newlines).
The plugin directive selects a plugin and sets plugin specific options. The plugin and options are active until the next plugin directive or the end of the script. The first outfile directive must be preceeded by a plugin directive.
The write directive argument has the same syntax as the cam argument for each cam-capable exporter, see above. Each write is a call to an exporter the same way as if pcb-rnd was called with --cam and -x with the exporter and options taken from the last plugin directive.
For example, the following config tree defines a job called doc_png that generates two 600 DPI images from the sides of the board, copper and silk combined, all in the doc/ dir (that is created if necessary):
li:pcb-rnd-conf-v1 { ha:overwrite { ha:plugins { ha:cam { li:jobs { doc_png { desc export top and bottom copper and silk in 600 DPI pngs plugin png --dpi 600 write top.png=top-copper,top-silk write bottom.png=bottom-copper,bottom-silk } } } } } }
Once the above subtree is loaded in the config, the following action triggers the export:
cam(call, doc_png)
If the command partial appears in the job, a query() is executed with the expression specified in the command's argument, marking matching objects with the EXPORTSEL flag. The full command is used to remove the EXPORTSEL flag from all objects. Note: to export only marked objects, the write command will typically need the partial supplement. A typical use case is exporting filled vias in a separate file, using a custom object attribute called "process":
li:pcb-rnd-conf-v1 { ha:overwrite { ha:plugins { ha:cam { li:jobs { holes { desc export all holes in excellon files, sorted by whether they are filled plugin excellon partial @.a.process == "filled" write filled.exc=(partial) full partial @.a.process != "filled" write unfilled.exc=(partial) full write all.exc } } } } } }Note: the first full command is used to cancel the effect of the first partial command. Without full, at the second partial all the "filled" vias would still be marked and unfilled.exc would contain both filled and unfilled vias.
When exporting to ps, consider using the --no-show-toc. It is possible to combine multiple layers (e.g. top silk and top copper, which may be useful for a single-layer board) using the --single-page option.
The plugin field has the same values command line -x has. The list of currently available exporter names can be acquired by running
pcb-rnd -xNote: this list contains all exporter plugins currently available (depends on your configure time options and plugin availability). Some export plugins can not do per layer exporting and those will not support CAM exporting either.