pcb-rnd - user manual

5.4. pcb-rnd GUI (common)

5.4.1. keyboard bindings

The same default menu file is used in all GUI HIDs. It comes with multi-stroke key bindings, plus only a very few, alternative keys that use modifiers (mostly ctrl). A multi-stroke key binding requires the user to type in a sequence of keys, e.g. pressing 't' and 'l' (written as {t l} in this document) will make pcb-rnd switch to the line tool. There are two major advantages of using multi-stroke instead of modifiers:

Most multi-stroke keys, especially the commonly used ones, use two strokes. Some rarely used feature will require three. The system can be regarded as a tree: e.g. in a 3-key sequence, starting from the root (nothing is pressed) the first key select a chapter, the second key narrows it down to a subchapter and the third key (leaf) selects the actual action within the subchapter. The current key tree is accessible in a large svg drawing or in a script-digestible flat list.

5.4.2 Grid

The grid is an imaginary set of points over the drawing. The crosshair can snap to the grid, helping the user to keep coordinates of objects distributed evenly.

The only grid geometry pcb-rnd supports is a regular, rectangular grid, that is: grid points spaced evenly in x and y directions, aligned into horizontal and vertical rows. The grid also has an optional offset in x and y directions (which is usually set to 0;0).

The grid spacing (distance between grid points) is user configurable. There are two methods managing the grid.

5.4.3. Preset grid

The configuration system has a node called editor/grids, which is an ordered list of preset grid settings. This list should contain the grid settings preferred by the user, or preferred for the given design. Since this is a configuration item, the usual conf rules apply (e.g. local grid config can be saved in the project's config or even in the board file).

While drawing, the user can use the {g b} and {g f} hotkeys, or the shorter [ and ] keys to step the current grid, selecting the previous or next item from the list. The grid sizes menu will always have the currently selected item checked.

If the user changes grid properties directly, the new grid setup will most likely not match any of the presets and the check mark is gone from the menu. However, pcb-rnd remember the last used preset menu and upon the next stepping it will move from the last selected preset grid.

The format for the grid configuration is a simple text that lists an optional grid name, the mandatory grid size, the optional offset and optionally instructs pcb-rnd to also switch units when the grid is activated. The full syntax, optional parts written in [] is:


(The optional name has no functionality other than being displayed, helping the user to remember the purpose of the grid.)


grid spec description
10 mil
anonymous 10 mil grid with no offset
1.5 mm
anonymous 1.5 mm grid with no offset
20 mil@1mil;-3mil
20 mil grid with a horizontal offset of +1 mil and vertical offset of -3 mil
1.5 mm!mm
1.5 mm grid; when activated, switch untis to mm
placing dips:100 mil
named grid
all the above features, combined

5.4.4. Custom grid

The current grid is stored as grid distance and x;y offset. Regardless of the configured presets, these properties of the current grid can be changed any time, using the SetValue() action or using the menu. Menu files, patches and sources

The menu system is loaded and merged from multiple menu files and is dynamic (can be changed while pcb-rnd is running). There is a base menu file (file name is partially configured by conf node rc/menu_file), typically /usr/share/pcb-menu-default.lht. This is file is loaded first, with priority 0. Then pcb-rnd loads further menu files and menu file patches, for feature plugins, scripts or user addons at higher priority.

All menu files and menu patches are kept in memory. Upon loading, unloading or modifying any of these in-memory menu images, pcb-rnd will merge them into the final menu tree, which is what the GUI menu layout is modified to.

The following menu file/patch sources are supported:

source usual prio description
base 0 factory menu file, normally /usr/share/pcb-menu-default.lht
plugins (static) 100..199 menu files embedded in feature plugins (e.g. to create import menus per format)
user 300..400 menu files/patches loaded upon user request (conf node: rc/menu_patches)
action (scripts) 500 using the CreateMenu() action
plugins (dynamic) 500 e.g. route style or layer menus that are generated from board data

Menu files describe the menu tree, or a part of the menu tree, in its final form. The base of the menu system, at priority 0, must be a menu file. When a menu file is used to patch an existing in-memory menu image (at priority higher than 0), it can overwrite existing parts of the image or it can append to existing menus and submenus. But it can not remove submenus or modify existing submenus without fully overwriting them. The root node of a menu file is ha:rnd-menu-v1.

A menu patch file contains an ordered list of instructions on how to make modifications to the current in-memory menu image. The menu patch file is a lihata document as follows:

ha:rnd-menu-patch-v1 {
	li:patch {
		...instructions (see below)...

The priority value is optional; when specified, it is used to position the patch in the order of merging. Instructions are executed in the order they are specified in the file.

An instruction can be one of these: