Installation of the footprint CGIs

system requirements, 3rd party software

The following software needs to be installed on the system that will host the scripts:


Since the CGIs are just demo scripts for and are not really installed anywhere else normally, there is no install script but a manual installation process. For both the parametric and the static footprint CGI:
  1. check out pcb-rnd/trunk in a directory readable (but not writable) by www-data (or whatever user the CGI will run with)
  2. copy the config file pcblib.cgi.conf from pcb-rnd/trunk/util to /etc
  3. edit the config file; ignore setting sdir for now
  4. hardlink, copy, or wrap the cgi files from under pcb-rnd/trunk/util into the web server's CGI directory

For the static footprint CGI (set up the map cache):

  1. cd to trunk/util/pcblib-map in the checkout and run make - NOTE: some awk scripts have hardwired CGI paths yet (TODO)
  2. copy this directory to a web-accessible directory
  3. set sdir to the absolute path of the web-accessible copy in /etc/pcblib.cgi.conf

Tips and tricks

cgi wrapping

Making the checkout directly into the cgi-bin dir is not a good idea. Using a hard link on each CGI between the checkout and the cgi-bin dir is better, but an svn up will silently break the link leaving the old version live. The most stable solution is placing a wrapper script in the cgi-bin dir:
. /full/path/to/the/checkout/util/pcblib-param.cgi