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pcb-rnd FAQ

slots (oval holes)

My slot doesn't show up on screen or in exports

Make sure you have the right layer groups and layers set up:

DSN format

There are no holes in padstacks on import

The DSN format was originally designed for autorouting; an autorouter doesn't need to know the geometry of a hole, assuming copper annulus is always around the hole. Thus old versions of the file format simply does not have a way to describe holes.

Some software extended the format and use a hole directive that pcb-rnd picks up - but if the file does not contain holes, pcb-rnd can't improvise them.

You can use query() to find offending padstacks and use propset() or the padstack editor to install the holes.

There are no silk graphics on subcircuits after import

The DSN format does not specify silk. There are outline and keepout objects in the format and pcb-rnd loads them on special purpose documentation layers. The use of these objects vary from tool to tool - some tools will draw the bounding box of the part using lines on the outline layer, but other tools may just draw a large, rectangular filled polygon.

Use the per subcircuit layer bindings to map them on a board silk layer.

Missing solder mask cutouts and solder paste patterns after import

The DSN format does not specify solder mask or paste. Please use the padstack editor on the affected padstacks.