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Change summary, per topic

commit message tag and docdescription
[gpmi] scripting PCB (including GUI dialogs, actions, menus, changing the layout)
[intconn] component internal connections
[nonetlist] components that are not part of the netlist and should not cause shorts
[tostyle] actions, menu and hotkey to change ring dia, line width, drill dia and clearance sizes to match the values defined for the current routing style
[square] change square pad to a generic shaped-pin based on the octagon pin code - this is an alternative to teardrops
[flagcomp] unknown flag compatibility
[scconfig] use scconfig instead of autotools
[res] replace resource files with lihata and enable multi-key hotkeys in both gtk and lesstif hids
[debian] Debian packaging the binaries configured to my own taste
[mods] modularize the code to reduce core size - for comparison
[unglib] remove glib dependency from core
[io_*] .pcb and .fp file format plugins
[dynstyle] dynamic routing style: support more than 4 of them - with no limit
[conf] new, unified, config file system
[query] query language
routing styles routing style fixes
(settings) minor changes in default settings