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animated clock on a UI layer

Create and animate an analog clock on a dedicated UI layer.

Example implementations


Explanation, step by step

Animated clock on an UI layer.

Theory of operation


Load packages the script depends on:

Set up an exporter hid, storing the handle of each object created in a global variable:

Set up global state variables:

Define a make_gc callback. It is called when a new graphic context is created (e.g. for layers). An exporter is sort of a drawing backend: pcb-rnd sets up gc's and draws on them. The first gc set up should open the output file, the last gc closed should flush/close the file. Define a destroy_gc callback for the latter. GCs are destroyed at the end of the export process. Use global variable channel to make sure the file is open/close only once (see TODO script context ).

Define a set_layer callback that sets green_light to true if layer name is "topasssembly", false otherwise.

Callback fill_circle is the workhorse: check if we have the green light to emit lines, then convert coordinates and diameter to mm and decide what format to use for printing a line for each filled circle.

Finally, bind all four callbacks to exporter events.