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pcb-rnd - the [intconn] patch

There are parts with internal connections (e.g. pin 2 and 4 of a SO8 package are internally connected). Mainline PCB can not handle this, leaving the following options:

The patch introduces a new pin flag intconn(g) which marks the pin to have internal connections in group g. If there are multiple pins using the same g value within a single element, they are internally connected. In other words, g is a group (or net name) within the element and pins can join to one of the numbered groups (or internal nets). The value of g shall be between 1 and 255, 0 means no internal connection (equivalent to the case when intconn(0) is omitted).

When pin numbers are displayed (key 'd'), internal connection groups are written in square brackets, e.g. "2 [9]" means "pin 2, internally connected to group 9".

Combined with the [nonetlist] patch, this solves the "0-ohm 1206 jumper" problem: the element should be marked as nonetlist, with both pins set intconn(1) - this will result in a 2 pad element, pads internally connected, that can be part of any one network without causing short.


The first image depicts crossing traces, a common problem encountered when rats nesting a new layout from a netlist. One method to resolve such issues is to use a zero ohm jumper resistor that allows one signal trace to 'jump' across another.

The second image shows the layout routing the nonconflicting rats and a open unrouted point where the rat would require one trace to cross another.

In the third image a 1206 SMD footprint for a 0 Ohm 1206 resistor called J1 is placed with an intconn between the two pads which resolves the final rat line.

[Layout with resistors and rat lines]

[Layout with one remaining rat line]

[Layout with jumper completing net]

save/load and compatibility

This patch introduces a new pin flag. In the following example pin 2 and 4 are connected internally as group 9, while pin 3 does not have any internal connections:
Pin[40000 60000 6000 3000 6600 2800 "2" "2" "square,intconn(9)"]
Pin[40000 50000 6000 3000 6600 2800 "3" "3" "square"]
Pin[40000 40000 6000 3000 6600 2800 "4" "4" "square,intconn(9)"]
Mainline PCB will load the design ignoring internal connections - this may introduce new rats.

Mainline PCB doesn't save intconn() and elements are embedded in the file - once the design is loaded and saved with mainline PCB, internal connection info is lost.


No plans - this feature is fully implemented. There is no plan for implementing a GUI, internal connections should be hand-edited into the element.