Reference manual for package actions

Automatically generated from actions.h


Events do not have return value. The first argument is always the even id. Event handlers defined in scripts get all event arguments converted to string (types below are informational).

ACTE_action(int event_id, const char* name, int argc, int x, int y)

 Generated when an action registered by the script is executed.
    name: name of the action (as registered using function action_register())
    argc: number of arguments. Arguments can be accessed using function action_arg
    x, y: optional coords, if need_xy was not empty at action_register 

ACTE_gui_init(int event_id, int argc, char** argv)

 Generated right after gui initialization, before the gui main loop.
    argc: number of arguments the gui was initialized with.
    argv[]: arguments the gui was initialized with - unaccessible for the scripts. 

ACTE_unload(int event_id, const char* conffile)

 Generated right before unloading a script to give the script a chance
   to clean up.
    conffile: the name of the config file that originally triggered loading the script, or empty if the script was loaded from the gui. 


The following functions are registered in script context.

int action_register(const char* name, const char* need_xy, const char* description, const char* syntax)

 Register an action in PCB - when the action is executed, event
   ACTE_action is generated with the action name.
   Multiple actions can be registered. Any action registered by the script
   will trigger an ACTE_event sent to the script.
    name: name of the action
    need_xy: the question the user is asked when he needs to choose a coordinate; if empty, no coordinate is asked
    description: description of the action (for the help)
    syntax: syntax of the action (for the help)
   Returns 0 on success.

const char* action_arg(int argn)

 extract the (argn)th event argument for the current action (makes sense only in an ACTE_action event handler 

int action(const char* cmdline)

 call an existing action using PCB syntax (e.g. foo(1, 2, 3))
   Returns non-zero on error; generally returns value of the action
   (which is also non-zero on error). 

void create_menu(const char* path, const char* action, const char* mnemonic, const char* hotkey, const char* tooltip)

 Create a new menu or submenu at path. Missing parents are created
   automatically with empty action, mnemonic, hotkey and tooltip.
    path: the full path of the new menu
    action: this action is executed when the user clicks on the menu
    mnemonic: which letter to underline in the menu text (will be the fast-jump-there key once the menu is open)
    hotkey: when this key is pressed in the main gui, the action is also triggered; the format is modifiers<Key>letter, where modifiers is Alt, Shift or Ctrl. This is the same syntax that is used in the .res files.
    tooltip: short help text