pcb-rnd - user manual

3. Where Data Is Stored

Pcb-rnd enables the user to design complex original boards in a standard EDA flow with netlists and other data inputs that aide in design. pcb-rnd also acts as a multiuse layout design CAD, opening board designs saved in a variety of legacy and contemporary software. The user can import a variety of non-layout data sources commonly used in EDA flow. Schematics from gschem or kicad, netlists, reference images, tinyCAD, and more are available to the user

3.1. Board

pcb-rnd can edit a single board at a time. To edit multiple boards, open multiple instances of pcb-rnd.

3.2. Paste Buffer

3.3. Footprint Libraries

3.4. file formats

3.4.1 board formats

3.4.2 footprint formats

3.4.2 pcb-rnd import

3.4.2 pcb-rnd export