Reference manual for package dialogs

Automatically generated from dialogs.h


Enum values should be passed on as strings.


 Filter on what files a file select dialog should list 
value meaning
FS_NONE none of the below
FS_READ when the selected file will be read, not written (HID_FILESELECT_READ)
FS_NOT_EXIST the function calling hid->fileselect will deal with the case when the selected file already exists. If not given, then the gui will prompt with an "overwrite?" prompt. Only used when writing. (HID_FILESELECT_MAY_NOT_EXIST)
FS_TEMPLATE the call is supposed to return a file template (for gerber output for example) instead of an actual file. Only used when writing. (HID_FILESELECT_IS_TEMPLATE)


The following functions are registered in script context.

void dialog_log(const char* msg)

 Append a msg to the log (log window and/or stderr). 

int dialog_confirm(const char* msg, const char* ok, const char* cancel)

 Ask the user for confirmation (usually using a popup). Returns 0 for
   cancel and 1 for ok.
     msg: message to the user
     ok: label of the OK button
     cancel: label of the cancel button
  Arguments "ok" and "cancel" may be empty (or NULL) in which
  case the GUI will use the default (perhaps localized) labels for
  those buttons. 

void dialog_report(const char* title, const char* msg)

 Pop up a report dialog.
     title: title of the window
     msg: message 

char* dialog_prompt(const char* msg, const char* default_)

 Ask the user to input a string (usually in a popup).
     msg: message or question text
     default_: default answer (this may be filled in on start)
   Returns the answer. 

char* dialog_fileselect(const char* title, const char* descr, char* default_file_, char* default_ext, const char* history_tag, dialog_fileselect_t flags)

 Pops up a file selection dialog.
     title: window title
     descr: description
     default_ext: default file name extension
     flags: one or more flags (see below)
   Returns the selected file or NULL (empty). 

void dialog_beep(void)

 Audible beep 

int dialog_progress(int so_far, int total, const char* message)

 Request the GUI hid to draw a progress bar.
     int so_far: achieved state
     int total: maximum state
     const char *message: informs the users what they are waiting for
   If so_far is bigger than total, the progress bar is closed.
   Returns nonzero if the user wishes to cancel the operation.

int dialog_attribute(hid_t* hid, const char* title, const char* descr)

 Pop up an attribute dialog; content (widgets) of the dialog box are coming
   from hid (see the hid package).
     hid: widgets
     title: title of the window
     descr: description printed in the dialog