Scripting intro

This document is an introduction to GPMI for pcb-rnd users. It focuses on scripting pcb-rnd and doesn't discusses GPMI deeper than the minimum necessary. GPMI is more generic than shown here.

The scope of the document is to describe the relations between pcb-rnd, hids, GPMI, glue packages and scripts. Details on how specific glue packages access pcb-rnd internals (or how those internals work) are described in other documents.

1. pcb-rnd internals

Since scripts are glued to pcb-rnd internals, scripters need to know the basic concepts of how pcb-rnd is structured.

1.1 pcb-rnd, HIDs, plugins and GPMI

pcb-rnd consists of:

Note 1: at the moment GUI hids can not be plugins or buildins.
Note 2: plugins/buildins are always exporter HIDs technically, but in practice they do not have to offer exporting. This means such a HID plugin is loaded and registered as an exporter on paper, but it doesn't really create a new export facility, just sits there, interacting with pcb-rnd (creating menus, actions, etc). Most script plugins do this.

When pcb-rnd executable is compiled, the core, the default GUI and exporter HIDs and buildins are compiled into the executable. Later on

The GPMI hid is an optional plugin that, by compile-time choice of the user, can be:

1.2. Actions, menus, exporters

The core implements actions. An action is a command with custom arguments, e.g. Delete(Selected). These actions are the commands on the default command line in pcb-rnd. In batch mode the command language uses these actions as well. Remote controlling pcb-rnd using the --listen switch will read these actions on the standard input.

GUI menus are configured to execute actions too. This also means it is impossible to realize an user-accessible functionality that can be triggered from the GUI command line, menu or batch input without making it an action.

The only exception, where new functionality is not behind a new action is exporters. An exporter is a structured dialog box of options and a set of callback functions implementing a drawing API. Exporting works by the following steps:

  1. An exporter HID may register one or more exporters.
  2. When the user tries to export the design, pcb-rnd lists all registered exporters.
  3. The user chooses one, and the preconfigured dialog box with the selected exporter's options are popped up.
  4. pcb-rnd core runs the dialog and saves the results if the user clicked on the ok button.
  5. pcb-rnd starts the exporting process: it calls the callbacks to draw the design layer by layer, object by object.

1.3. How a script can interact with the user

2. GPMI intro

2.1. GPMI's place in the pcb-rnd world

GPMI is a plugin/buildin HID. Instead of doing actual work, it loads scripts and provides a glue layer between pcb-rnd and the scripts. The actual work is performed by the scripts. The glue layer comes in two kinds:
  • gpmi module: dynamic lib written in C, knows how to load and interpret a script and how to deliver events to the script
  • gpmi package: dynamic lib, provides C functions the script can directly call; package functions then know how to deal with PCB internals
Arrows drawn with dashed line represents a slow, string based communication.
[gpmi HID interacting with pcb-rnd and other components]

2.2. Module, script, script context, packages

Each time a script needs to be loaded, first a module is loaded and the name of the script is passed to the module. During module initialization, the module sets up a script interpreter and script context and loads the script into the context.

If there are 3 separate lua scripts running in pcb-rnd, there are 3 separate lua modules loaded, each dealing with one of the scripts. The process of loading a script is illustrated by highlighting the relevant paths with red for step 1 and green for step 2.

Step 0: the GPMI HID finds a script has to be loaded. The idea comes from the config file (pcb-rnd-gpmi.conf) or from the GUI (manage scripts) or as a request from a script already loaded.

Step 1: the GPMI HID loads the corresponding module which in turns loads the script. The script has a "main" part that is run on load. For most languages this is the global code sections; in some languages it is a specific function, usually called main. A few basic glue packages are already loaded before the script.

Step 2: the script can load glue packages. This usually happens from the on-load main part from the script. The actual mechanism is to call PkgLoad() from a glue package that was automatically loaded in Step 1. The green arrows represent this path: the script executes PkgLoad() which in turns loads other package(s) into the GPMI hid.

Packages are loaded only once and are globally accessible for multiple modules.

[same diagram as before, with pacakge load flow highlighted]

2.3. Binding events, registering actions, creating menus

Binding an event in a script is done by calling the Bind() function (this is implemented in a package automatically loaded). The first argument is the name of the event, the second argument is the name of the script function that should be called when the event is triggered. Both arguments are strings. The event binding mechanism is shown in red in the map to the right.

The script can create new actions using the action_register() function (the actions package needs to be loaded first). A script may register multiple actions. This call is marked with green in the above map. If any of the actions registered by the script is called, the event "ACTE_action" is generated. This has two implications:

  • a script that registers actions needs to bind the ACTE_action event to serve the action requests
  • if a script registers multiple actions, in the event handler it needs to check which action triggered the event (e.g. with a switch()-like construction on the event name)
[same diagram as before, with action registration flow highlighted]
Menus are created using the create_menu() call. Menus can be created only when the GUI is already set up - this may happen only after some of the scripts are already loaded. Thus scripts shall create menus from an event handler bound to the ACTE_gui_init event. This event is triggered right after the GUI has been set up. On the map to the right the red arrows represent the path of ACTE_gui_init; the green arrows represent the reaction of the script, creating the new menu.

[same diagram as before, with menu setup flow highlighted]

2.4. Exporting

Exporter scripts first have to set up an exporter hid. This typically happens from their on-load main part. Related calls are in the hid package. The following map shows this process with red arrows:

When the user chooses to use the exporter, among the green arrows, a series of events are triggered and the script can generate output directly to a file from event handlers bound to these exporting events.

[same diagram as before, with exporter flow highlighted]

2.5. Making modifications on the design

The purpose of a script might be to manipulate the objects in the current design. Such a script registers actions, and implements the handler of the actions using the layout package. The layout package provides calls to query, change and create design objects.

3. How it works in practice

3.1. Loading the GPMI plugin

Check the output of ./configure, it will tell if gpmi is compiled as buildin or plugin (or not at all). If the gpmi plugin is compiled as a buildin, it is already loaded, no further steps are required.

If gpmi is a plugin, (or gpmi_plugin.dll) needs to be copied in one of the plugin directories pcb-rnd is looking into on startup:

path purpose
$prefix/lib/pcb-rnd/plugins/$arch/ system plugins, multihost
$prefix/lib/pcb-rnd/plugins/ system plugins
~/.pcb/plugins/$arch/ user plugins, multihost
~/.pcb/plugins/ user plugins
./plugins/$arch/ project plugins, multihost
./plugins/ project plugins
In the above table:

3.2. Loading scripts

The gpmi plugin looks for a file called "pcb-rnd-gpmi.conf" in each of the plugin directories. Wherever the file is found, it is loaded and parsed. The file is plain text, each line describes a script to be loaded. Empty lines and lines starting with # are comments and are ignored.

Script load lines contain two words separated by a space: a module name and a script name. Relative paths in the the script name are relative to the directory the config file is found in.

Example config:

# load the carc script (written in lua) from next to the config file:
lua carc.lua

# load foo.awk, which is a mawk script, from its installation path
mawk /usr/lib/foo/foo.awk