pcb-rnd 1.0.2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [pcblib-param] -Fix: central bool handling (connector() etrunc), values: on/off, true/false, 1/0 -Fix: typo in so() parameter descriptions -Fix: connector() typo in error() -Add: more elaborate help syntax: easier to read with scripts [fp2anim] -Fix: read multiline directives properly - a newline after each directive is still needed, tho -Fix: allow whitepsace between directive name and opening bracket -Fix: create all layers in advance - this fixes the case when the fp doesn't draw on some layers (the macro still exists) -Fix: rline() is extended by width/2 if there are no rounding; it seems this how pcb defines lines -Fix: leave extra margin in photo mode for the 3d edges -Add: support for old-style pad() -Add: support for Mark() (relocate the diamond) -Add: options to turn off the grid and annotation - useful for thumbnails [scconfig] -Fix: always have config.h, don't ifdef it -Fix: glib is a core dependency that should be added even if the gtk hid is not used -Fix: make clean removes pcb-rnd, not pcb (executable file name typo) -Add: make clean in util/ -Add: options to disable gd and/or jpeg or png or gif -Add: be able to detect and configure lesstif -Add: --disable-gtk and --disable-lesstif; --disable-xinerama and --disable-xrender for lesstif -Add: use detected -rdynamic so that plugins can link against the executable -Change: detect both gtk and lesstif as optional dependencies -Cleanup: generate hidlist.h from tmpasm instead of shell to remove shell dependency -Del: a bunch of obsolete #defines inherited from auto* [core] -Add: --gui explicitly selects a gui hid -Add: don't leave preferred order of GUIs to the chance, make it explicit pcb-rnd 1.0.1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [core] -Fix: don't read beyond the common part of the struct in IsPointInPad (since it's called for lines too, and those have much less fields) -Fix: where stdarg is avaialble, also print messages to stderr - useful if things go wrong before a GUI is working [gtk] -Fix: don't crash but write error message and exit if gpcb-menu.res is empty [square] -Fix: 90 deg rotation rotates shape style -Add: action.c and change.c code to get shaped vias -Fix: don't change pin shape for square and octagon in rotation [mincut] -Add: command line setting --enable-mincut (0 or 1) as mincut can be slow it is a global disbale setting and make a local, per pcb setting for enabling mincut; also add a per pcb setting/flag -Fix: disable debug draw by default -Fix: fall back to the old short warn method when mincut fails -Fix: avoid segfaults by detecting broken graph early -Workaround: if mincut sees a graph with multiple unconnected components, doesn't try to solve but falls back to randomly highlight something [intconn] -Workaround: find intconn pads only on the same layer [nonetlist] -Workaround: ignore nonetlist pads even if the flag is in the element name [scconfig] -Add: scconfig/ - switch over from autotools to scconfig [pcblib] -Cleanup: new, trimmed back pcblib/ with essential footprints only [pcblib-param] -Add: new parametric footprints - no more m4-hardwiring, use your preferred language! -Add: acy(), alf(), rcy(), connector(), dip() -Add: so(), tssop(), msop(), ssop() [pcb-fp] -Add: central lib for footprint search and load in pcb and gsch2pcb [util] -Add: gsch2pcb fork to support [nonetlist] and [pcblib-param] [fp2anim] -Add: fp to animator script for fast preview [polygrid] -Add: ps output: draw grid in polys instead of fill (doesn't fully work) -Fix: set proper max value so the control is enabled [debian] -Update: build the package with scconfig and footprint changes pcb-rnd 1.0.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [square] -Add: initial implementation [intconn] -Add: initial implementation [nonetlist] -Add: initial implementation [flagcomp] -Add: initial implementation [mincut] -Add: initial implementation