First of all: you should write a core plugin, not an external plugin.
If you absolutely can't avoid writing an external plugin, you have two choices: a native puplug plugin or a fungw engine plugin. This page is about the fungw plugin method. Pros: simpler code, less boilerplate. Cons: loaded like a script, shouldn't access pcb-rnd APIs other than actions, requires system installed (full featured) fungw.
Note: this method is equivalent to using a script language and writing an user script - except that it's written in C, needs to be compiled, and if crashes, will bring down the whole process with it.
Please refer to the example/template plugin. After make, the resulting .so can be loaded from pcb-rnd using the script() action:
LoadScript(foo, ./, c)
The stderr message from init should appear. The ExtBar action should be available.
To start your external plugin, copy it to new directory and rename ext_bar both in file names and file content. Please preserve the ext_ prefix.
Some naming conventions differ from core plugin development. It is not possible to register action help and syntax at the moment.
As documented for puplug plugins.