pcb-rnd - plugin development - config change notification

All settings are stored in one central conf tree. Any part of the code can register function callbacks that are activated when a specific (or any) conf node changes.

Multiple callback functions can be bound to the same config node and the same callback function can be bound to multiple config nodes. It is also possible to bind the callback function to global change, which means it would be called on any config change.

Config change notification is also called 'watch'.

how to declare a callback function

void bar_confchg(conf_native_t *cfg, int arr_idx)

local: how to bind the callback function to a node

This typically happens in the plugin init callback:

	conf_native_t *cn;
	conf_hid_id_t confid;
	static const conf_hid_callbacks_t foo_cbs = { NULL, bar_confchg, NULL, NULL };

	confid = conf_hid_reg(pluginname_cookie, NULL);

	cn = conf_get_field("editor/all_direction_lines");
	if (cn != NULL)
		conf_hid_set_cb(cn, confid, &foo_cbs);
		/* handle the error */

The callbacks struct needs to be static because it is not copied, but the pointer is stored after registration. The fields of this structure are callback function pointers for different event types, e.g. "call before the change", "call after the change" or "call when a new item is created in the conf database"; refer to src/conf_hid.h for more info.

For registering config watches, a confid needs to be registered using conf_hid_reg(). The registration is done by the plugins standard cookie. The second argument to this call is for global conf change watches (see below).

The next step is to resolve the conf node's conf_native_t pointer, using conf_get_field(), which takes the plain text config node path as argument.

If that worked, conf_hid_set_cb() binds the callback structure to the config node. There can be only one such binding per conf node per confid, but the plugin may request multiple confid's with different cookies.

global: how to bind the callback function to any change

Sometimes a plugin needs to run on any conf change or needs to react on new conf nodes being created. For these, use the global callback argument of conf_hid_reg(): load it with a pointer to a static conf_hid_callbacks_t struct.

Do not do this if you are watching a finite set of conf nodes with known names - just do a per conf node local binding, even if it means 10 bindings.

how to unbind the callback function to a node

When the watch is no longer needed, conf_hid_unreg(), typically from the uninit callback of the plugin. This will unregister all watches (local and global) and confid. If only one watch need to be removed, conf_hid_set_cb() should be called with a callback struct that has NULL for the given function pointer. (Note: this doesn't replace the function pointer, but the callback struct pointer in the central registry).

For example, place this line in the plugin uninit callback:
