pcb-rnd - plugin development - creating actions

Actions are fungw functions typically implemented in C or in a script language. Actions are used by pcb-rnd to act upon any user request - there's always an action behind any GUI, CLI or automated operation. pcb-rnd plugins are written in C, thus they are registering actions written in C.

Includes and other requirements

The plugin must #include "actions.h" to be able to register actions.

Registering actions require the standard plugin cookie.

action implementation

The following example shows how an action is implemented:

static const char pcb_acts_ActionName[] = "ActionName(arg1, arg2, [arg3]...)";
static const char pcb_acth_ActionName[] = "Help text: short description of what the action does.";
static fgw_error_t pcb_act_ActionName(fgw_arg_t *res, int argc, fgw_arg_t *argv)
	/* process arguments */
	/* implement the action */
	/* return on no-error: */
	return 0;

More on how arguments are and return value are handled can be found in the fungw action documentation.

Because of historical reasons action names are in CamelCase. This is the only context where pcb-rnd tolerates CamelCase.

A plugin is free to register any amount of actions. Action names are globally unique within pcb-rnd. For core plugins, the maintainer of the plugin is responsible to avoid action name collision. For external plugins, the action name must be prefixed with the plugin's name.

action table

For convenience, actions are most often registered from data tables. The table shall contain all actions provided by the plugin:

static const pcb_action_t pluginname_action_list[] = {
	{"Action1", pcb_act_Action1, pcb_acth_Action1, pcb_acts_Action1},
	{"Action2", pcb_act_Action2, pcb_acth_Action2, pcb_acts_Action2}

The action name in the first column must be unique. If an action has alternative names (e.g. shorthands), multiple lines may contain the same pcb_act* fields with only the name differing. If multiple actions are implemented in the same function (that e.g. looks at argv[0] to decide which one was invoked), multiple lines may contain the same pcb_act_ function, with different name and help/syntax text. In the very unlikely case multiple action functions have the same syntax or help, the same pcb_acth_ and/or pcb_acts_ can be used in multiple rows of the table.

The table should be placed after the last action to avoid action function/help/syntax forward declarations. Most often the table is placed right above the check_ver callback.

action registration on init

Invoke macro PCB_REGISTER_ACTIONS(pluginname_action_list, pluginname_cookie) again, from the init callback. It requires the standard plugin cookie.

In practice, the plugin init will look like this:

int pplg_init_expfeat(void)
	PCB_REGISTER_ACTIONS(pluginname_action_list, pluginname_cookie)
	return 0;

action removal on uninit

When the plugin is uninitialized, all actions must be removed (to avoid dangling function pointers after a dynamic plugin unload). This is normally done by calling

from the plugin's uninit callback.