node name | type | flags | description |
zoom | rnd_cfn_real | 0 | default zoom |
buffer_number | rnd_cfn_integer | 0 | number of the current buffer |
clear_line | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | new lines/arc clear polygons. |
clear_polypoly | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | new polygons clear polygons. |
full_poly | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | new polygons are full polygons. |
unique_names | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | OBSOLETE: force unique names |
snap_pin | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | snap to pins and pads |
snap_offgrid_line | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | Snap to certain off-grid points along a line. |
marker_snaps | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | marker snaps to grid or snap points, as any other click |
highlight_on_point | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | Highlight if crosshair is on endpoints. |
show_solder_side | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | mirror output |
save_last_command | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | OBSOLETE: use the session-persistent command line history instead (press the up arrow) |
line_refraction | rnd_cfn_integer | 0 | value for line lookahead setting |
save_in_tmp | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | emergency save unsaved PCB data (despite the user clicks don't save) when: user starts a new PCB; user quits pcb-rnd. Does not affect the on-crash emergency save. |
all_direction_lines | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | enable lines to all directions |
rubber_band_mode | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | move, rotate use rubberband connections |
rubber_band_keep_midlinedir | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | keep line direction when a middle line is moved |
swap_start_direction | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | change starting direction after each click |
show_drc | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | (misnomer) show style clearance on crosshair |
auto_drc | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | (misnomer) block drawing traces that get too close (according to style clearance) to other nets |
conn_find_rat | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | connection find includes rats; when off, only existing galvanic connections are mapped |
show_number | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | OBSOLETE: pinout shows number |
orthogonal_moves | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | move items orthogonally. |
reset_after_element | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | OBSOLETE: reset connections after each element while saving all connections |
lock_names | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | lock down text so they can not be moved or selected |
only_names | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | lock down everything else but text so only text objects can be moved or selected |
thin_draw | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | if set, objects on the screen are drawn as outlines (lines are drawn as center-lines). This lets you see line endpoints hidden under pins, for example. |
thin_draw_poly | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | if set, polygons on the screen are drawn as outlines. |
as_drawn_poly | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | if set, also draw the as-drawn outline of polygons |
wireframe_draw | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | if set, lines and arcs on the screen are drawn as outlines. |
local_ref | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | use local reference for moves, by setting the mark at the beginning of each move. |
check_planes | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | when set, only polygons and their clearances are drawn, to see if polygons have isolated regions. |
hide_names | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | when set, subc floater text objects (typical use case: refdes text) are not drawn. |
description | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | obsolete - DO NOT USE - kept for compatibility |
name_on_pcb | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | obsolete - DO NOT USE - kept for compatibility |
trace_auto_merge | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | automatically merge trace overlapping trace lines while drawing or moving traces |
subc_id | rnd_cfn_string | 0 | subcircuit ID template for diplaying the subcircuit label on the subcircuit layer; default to displaying the refes, if empty; syntax if the same as for DYNTEXT |
term_id | rnd_cfn_string | 0 | terminal ID template for diplaying the subcircuit label on the subcircuit layer; default to displaying termid[intconn], if empty; syntax if the same as for DYNTEXT |
move_linepoint_uses_route | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | Moving a line point calculates a new line route. This allows 45/90 line modes when editing lines. |
auto_via | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | when drawing traces and switching layers or when moving an object from one layer to another, try to keep connections by automatically inserting vias. |
route_radius | rnd_cfn_real | 0 | temporary: route draw helper's arc radius at corners (factor of the trace thickness) |
drc_inclusive_bbox | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | when enabled, the drc view will always include all red and blue objects (turns off optimization that focuses on red objects) |
backann_subc_attr_edit | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | when enabled, add any subc attribute edit to back annotation list (in case the subc is part of the netlist) |
io_incomp_popup | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | wether to enable popping up the io incompatibility list dialog on save incompatibility errors |
io_incomp_style | rnd_cfn_string | 0 | view listing style (list or simple), when io_incomp_popup is true |
click_time | rnd_cfn_integer | 0 | default time for click expiration, in ms |
click_objlist | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | if there are multiple objects available upon a click, present a modal dialog box to select from them |
live_routing | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | autorouter shows tracks in progress |
beep_when_finished | rnd_cfn_boolean | 0 | onsolete: not used |
undo_warning_size | rnd_cfn_integer | 0 | warn the user when undo list exceeds this amount of kilobytes in memory |
subc_conv_refdes | rnd_cfn_string | 0 | automatic refdes value assigned to new subcircuits on conversion from objects - if empty, no refdes text or attribute is added; if the value is >, the refdes text object is added but no refdes attribute is created |