Imported from the mailing list archives.

thanks to the sponsorship of Bdale and Altus Metrum, LLC, we have a new, working openscad exporter. The code is young and largely untested - please send me bugreports to get it fixed.

Sample board and renders with a small board of 2 resistors and 2 transistors can be found here.

The exporter supports:

As the sample shows, we have full support for compositing layers (the 'inv' text is a positive silk rectangle and text on a negative silk layer).

A more complete feature list can be read in the preliminary plugin doc

Our policy at pcb-rnd is that pcb-rnd itself is not going to support 3d (3d rendering, 3d editing, etc.), but only "2.5d": 2d layers with a detailed layer stack model that will soon understand thickness and material. We also support 3d export and let openscad do the 3d related work. Openscad is very capable: if there's an enclosure model and we can export the PCB, openscad can be scripted to determine if the PCB fits in the enclosure (the intersection object between the two models is empty).

If you have openscad and like to play with it, you could contribute 3d models to the non-parametric part of our pcblib - so far only 1206 and sot23 has models.