Imported from the mailing list archives.

There is a howto about how to use the system for maintaining your own menu modifications.

1. user aspects

The original system used a single lihata document to describe the menu tree. This was loaded from (typically) /usr/share/pcb-rnd/pcb-menu-default.lht.

A major problem was that some users wanted to make minor modifications to this file. But once you patch this file, you need to maintain it as new versions of pcb-rnd will change this file as well.

If you failed to merge upstream modifications into your modified menu file, you lost new features and sometimes introduced new bugs in your local version by getting your menu running old/obsolete/buggy actions that were already fixed in upstream. Or if you kept using the new upstream version of the menu file all the time, and forgot to merge your own changes, you could easily lose your new features or modified hotkeys.

For this, we needed something that allows the user injecting small files that make modifications to the existing upstream menu file runtime, so the original/upstream menu file doesn't need to be edited.

2. plugin aspects

There was also a major modularization problem, best demonstrated by the vendor drill plugin. In geda/pcb and early pcb-rnd plugins couldn't extend the menu system so many plugins ended up not creating menus for their features but relying on the central menu file having those menus defined. The vendor drill plugin had 3 such submenus spread across 3 different menus.

This has two major modularity problems:

There was a way to create menus on the fly, from code, but that had its own problems (see below). So many plugins, especially the ones inherited from geda/pcb didn't bother and just relied on the central menu file to have the menus.

For solving this, we needed a way to make it very easy for plugins to create menus from data, not code.

3. script aspect and dynamic menu creation

As a pcb-rnd extension we already had actions for creating and removing menus from code (or scripts) on the fly. However it did not track order of operations or even who created what menus and why. As long as plugins and scripts (mostly) created submenus only, this didn't cause any problem. But this system couldn't really be used in more tricky situations:

And the more elegant solution to both of these problems is a predictable, undoable way of editing the menu system on the fly. This means random parts of the code (plugins, scripts, user actions) should be able to make modifications that later on can be undone without having to undo anything else or without confusing the whole system.

The solutions to these problems are described in the menu patching announcement.