Creating Macrofab Compatible Files with pcb-rnd

Macrofab requires Protel-like suffixes. Macrofab has a help page that explains their requirements at THIS-LINK. For example, the Top Copper layer's suffix is GTL, i.e., filename.gtl

First create macrofab compatible files

  1. You will be more successful if your pcb-rnd layout includes certain fields for your board. Consequentially, make sure that your layout is production ready before starting this proces:
  2. The pnp-origin dot is created by drawing a short, thin line and then drag&drop move the endpoint of the unselected mark line back to its origin endpoint - this will result in a zero length line, which looks like a small filled circle.
  3. Next select the dot, drag&drop move it to be centered on the lower left corner of the outline box relative to the board outline's line centerlines (bounding box).
  4. With the mark still selected, press ctrl+e and click on the "add attribute" button in the property editor.
  5. Type in "pnp-origin" in the "Attribute key" and "yes" in the "Attribute value" field; click ok and then close the property editor. A short video of pnp-origin creation is available at THIS-LINK.
  6. Finally, export the Gerber and xyfile:
  7. When exporting the gerbers (File -> Export_Layout -> gerber), select checkbox "all-layers" and select name-style "universal".
  8. When exporting the XY file (File -> Export_Layout -> XY), select "Macrofab" format. Rename the XY file's suffix to XYRS.

where to place the pnp origin on a trapezoid (odd shaped) board - overview

where to place the pnp origin on a trapezoid (odd shaped) board - zoomed in

how to make the dot a pnp origin point

Note 1: The pnp-origin mark is not explicitly visible in the XY file nor is it explicitly passed to macrofab. Instead, all part coordinates are calculated considering the mark's center as 0;0.

Note 2: However, the mark is not hidden or suppressed by pcb-rnd from any of the output. It must be a line, but it can be on any of the layers. Thus the mark potentially could show up on the board. There are options to make the mark disappear:

Controling the last two columns

The last two columns of a macrofab xy are "Populate" and "MPN".

The "Populate" column is 1 by default, directing macrofab to populate the part. It can be changed to 0 if the given subcircuit has an attribute "macrofab::DNP=true" set.

The "MPN" column is "n/a" by default. It can be changed to an arbitrary part number using the "macrofab::MPN=partnumber" attribute.

The easiest way to set these attributes is selecting the subcircuit, or multiple subcircuits that are going to have the same value, and invoke the property editor (ctrl+e). Adding new attributes is possible using the 'Add attribute' button.

attribute editor with the macrofab attributes set

Next Upload Files to macrofab

Macrofab has help pages that explain their process for uploading and verifying board files to their system for several EDA software products but not specifically for pcb-rnd. If your board is created as described above you should have no problems.