1. The problem

Both of gschem and lepton use a scheme script with gnetlist to get an action script that loads the footprints and fills in the netlist. This sort of worked, but recently lepton-eda had API changes that broke this script. But the real root cause of the problem is that having that scheme script in the first place was bad design:

The common pattern is that we have a glue layer, which needs to know some internals of two (or four) projects, so wherever it lives, it will be easy to update for API changes of one half of the projects, but will easily get out-of-sync with the other half of the projects. Thus it will break from time to time if the 3rd party software changes.

2. The solution - theory

When I first encountered this design flaw, I concluded the only resolution is to define a transport format (protocol) that does not depend on the internals of any of the software, but is independent and is task-oriented instead of implementation/API oriented (not depending on pcb-rnd actions or gnetlist scheme API). My proposal for the format is tEDAx netlist1, designed to be cheap to implement. Using such a format solves the problem by allowing us having a simple netlist export script within gschem and another for lepton; these scripts can be tied together with gnetlist/xorn API, and their output is generic, non-pcb-rnd-specific tEDAx. In other words, the script depends on the internals of only one half of the projects, not both, so it won't bitrot if that other half changes.

All we need to have for this is: support for tEDAx netlist in gschem/xorn, then in lepton, import on pcb-rnd's side and a rewrite of import_sch/gsch2pcb-rnd.

3. The solution - practice

4. upcoming import_sch rewrite

The changes on this side won't really affect the end user for existing designs, but will affect the user for new designs.

Import_sch does a few rather unrelated things:

The general approach is correct, but the implementation is pretty much tied to the assumption that the netlister will emit a pcb-rnd action script, which forces committing the mistake described above in chapter 1.

To avoid that, import_sch will be rewritten as a more generic implementation, a superset of the original implementation. As a superset, it will still support the old mechanism. The rewrite will do the same points, just with slight differences to avoid the bad assumptions:

5. upcoming gsch2pcb-rnd deprecation

By now gsch2pcb-rnd does the same thing as import schematics4, except it does not automatically execute the resulting action script but asks the user to do so. The very same thing can be achieved without using gsch2pcb-rnd, just running gnetlist and then loading the resulting cmd file.

Or by running pcb-rnd in batch mode to automate the 'loading of cmd file' step.

By switching from gsch2pcb-rnd to running pcb-rnd in batch mode, the user gains more control over the process, being able to run more actions if needed, being able to use other transport formats (importing from different schematics editors).

Thus gsch2pcb-rnd will be removed long term. For gsch2pcb-rnd users the upgrade path should be:

Footnotes and references:

1: tEDAx spec available at http://repo.hu/projects/tedax

2: Alain's gaf tedax howto

3: contributed by Bdale, available from svn://repo.hu/tedax/trunk/src/reference/geda

4: gsch2pcb import