Step 1: the original board

This is the 7805 tutorial board from stock pcb-rnd documentation, with all copper traces and polygons removed (lihata board file).

7805 example board, unrouted, in pcb-rnd

First step is to export it to DSN: invoke the export dialog, e.g. using hotkey {f e} or the file menu, select dsn on the left (format selection). Leave all configuration as is and click export.

Side note: dsn loading

pcb-rnd can now also load dsn files. For example the DSN file saved above will look like this when loaded:

7805 example board, unrouted, in pcb-rnd, loaded from DSN

Note: silk, paste and mask are missing because the DSN file format does not support these layer types (autorouters don't need them).

Step 2: load in

Start without arguments and use the GUI to load the file, or start it with "-de fr.dsn". Once it loaded the file, it displays the same board:

7805 example board, unrouted, in, loaded from DSN

Note: there may some details missing - it is because freerouting often does approximations and reduce detail complexity of the data. Some of this may be bug, for example it does not load quadratic arc traces.

Step 3: click 'Autoroute' in

Click the Autoroute button and watch how it is routing your nets. The result should be something like this:

7805 example board after autorouting in

Use the file menu to export a session file.

Step 4: import the session file

In pcb-rnd, while the unmodified lihata board file is open, use menu (file/import) to import the session file, then press {c r} to verify all rats are routed. It should look like this:

7805 example board, routing result imported back in pcb-rnd