2.4. Copyright

The Ringdove convention for licenses on data, such as symbols of footprints, is to use dual licensing, plus generators and scripts may introduce a third level:

For dist license it is common to choose a permissive free software license that requires the file to remain free. This could be GPL, BSD, MIT or a suitable CC variant. In case dist license is GPL and the footprint file is to be distributed as part of a footprint library, GPL may affect the dist license on the whole library. However if the GPL'd footprint is used in a board, the board is not affected by the GPL because the use license takes precedence upon embedding.

For use license the most common choice is unlimited, which is interpreted to be equivalent to public domain or CC0. It is not practical to chose any license that requires derivative/combined works to have the same license because that'd affect the board file and could cause footprint license incompatibility.

The generator license matters much less as it generally doesn't control the use of footprint data coming from the generator. Most often generators and parametric footprints are coming with a free software license. A notable case is when a parametric footprint is ran directly from within pcb-rnd. There is a clean, well documented API between pcb-rnd and parametric footprints, which makes both ends of the equation replaceable. A parametric footprint does not rely on internals of pcb-rnd and pcb-rnd doesn't make any assumption on the internals of the parametric footprint. The parametric footprint is never linked to pcb-rnd, but is executed as a separate process. Thus the GPL license of pcb-rnd does not affect the generator and the generator license, may it be GPL, can not affect pcb-rnd or any other tool that invokes the parametric footprint in a similar manner to pcb-rnd.

Once licenses are chosen, the following metadata (see chapter 2.3) should be set:
key importance value (purpose of the key)
license/dist high name or URL of the dist license
license/use high name or URL of the use license
copyright optional free form text string containing release year, (C) and author's name; this field shall not contain any licensing information
author/contact optional contact information so that the author can be reached; e.g. email address

Note: license value for license/* is either the short name of a well known license in case it uniquely identifies the license (e.g. GPL2) or is an URL to the license. When distributing footprints in any form, it is best practice to include the full length license file(s) in plain text format next to the footprint file.