osm-rnd 0.0.2 (r862) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [core] -Fix: layer obj clear should clear zord[] rtrees as well -Fix: don't crash on undo when layer is not selected -Fix: Tagset() should run the initial search on all object types and filter by rules provided -Fix: osm_buffer missing extern causing linking error -Change: move way typedef to osm_typedefs.h to simplify type referencing -Add: implement relation low levels -Add: support for virtual object: changeset (for history) -Add: history support for changeset -Add: API for collecting the timeline of an object -Add: reference angle system -Add: osm_str_to_obj_type() -Add: Zoom(obj, type, id) action -Add: type:#id parser call -Add: objlist vector -Add: implement action Remove() with Remove(selected) -Add: Select() action with options to narrow down selection to fresh objects and by object type -Add: Select() can filter for tag match -Add: expose edit_act's low level object tagset API for presets -Add: hide crosshair by default -Add: full-screen crosshair in reference direction -Add: util function to search relation for an object -Add: infrastructure (config, object code and API) for retrieving visual type name for an object (from objects tags) -Add: default conf: way visual type includes power with low prio -Add: search util functions to return whether an object has any relation or way referring to it [dialogs] -Add: properties dialog that shows referee/referencer relations in lists -Add: objlist dialog -Add: action for object listing at a specific location -Add: history dialog with object listing -Add: catch drc present event and present the drc list in an objlist dialog -Add: tag dialog: when propting for tag key, if user input contains '=', split the string and also fill in value -Add: BinObject method for TagsDialog() for internal cross-call -Add: commit tag edit: prefill comment textarea from the tags [doc] -Add: explain what exactly is required for wget -Add: howto mentions the wireframe mode -Add: web irc client -Add: more detailed editing howto [gui] -Add: Layer(new) action [img_bing] -Fix: increase tile rendering limit to 256 for big screen [img_tms] -Fix: increase tile rendering limit to 256 for big screen [io_osm_xml] -Fix: don't modify memory allocated by the xml parser -Fix: identify missing lat/lon and return error instead of crashing -Add: parse timestamp -Add: node/way/relation parser tolerate layer==NULL (to be able to load history) -Add: API for load/save history in xml -Add: optionally save timestamps -Add: API and implementation for parsing changeset files -Add: gpx loader stores time in tags for easier matching with images [menu] -Del: select 'found', inherited from pcb-rnd -Add: history menu in object context popup for node and way -Add: "new layer" in layer popup -Add: menu items and hotkeys for selecting fresh ways and nodes -Add: hot tags (e.g. for natural and highway and amenities) [net_osm_xml] -Add: History() action that downloads the history of object(s) into a central osm_history_t for now -Add: History(save) and History(load) actions -Add: generate object DRC events when generating diff - broken drc should block the commit -Add: Commit(force) to bypass drc errors -Add: commit optional survey= argument to speed up sequences of commits from the same survey [optimize] -Add: ortho respects reference angle when set [presets] -Add: presets plugin, using a database converted from iD's [std_drc] -Add: new plugin for design rule checking -Add: drc check on ways for empty tags and too few nodes -Add: catch duplicate way nodes [std_style] -Fix: config: make sure each rule has a unique name -Add: config: more building types in default style -Add: config: style config for ditches/canals (blue) and tracks (brown) -Add: config: coloring for more natural/landuse -Add: config: coloring for more natural/landuse [std_tools] -Fix: move selection on drag&drop only if drag happens over a selected object (to match pcb-rnd's behavior) osm-rnd 0.0.1 (r639) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Initial release.