flags that any widget should support

typedef struct mbtk_widget_flags_s { /* widget states supported by all widgets: user accessible */ unsigned disabled:1; /* won't react to user input or focus */ unsigned activated:1; /* e.g. push button pushed, checkbox ticked */ unsigned focus:1; /* hide is tracked in hvbox->gt;hidden */ /* widget states supported by all widgets: internal */ unsigned dirty:1; /* set to 1 if redraw is required */ unsigned caller_alloced:1; /* 1 if caller supplied the storage and mbtk_widget_destroy() won't free it */ unsigned created:1; /* 1 if the widget is created, 0 if it is already destroyed */ unsigned focus_pref:8; /* preference on the focus - when a new layout is created and the default focus needs to be determined; higher value is more preferred; 0 means the widget doesn't want to get focused */ } mbtk_widget_flags_t;