DAD: Dynamic Attribute Dialogs

The table tree widget is a table containint cells arranged in a fixed number of columns. Each cell is a dynamically allocated char * string.

Helper macros for widget creation

These macros, defined in hid_dad.h, are used to fill up the last created (tree) widget with initial data. They return a row pointer. If the row pointer is NULL, root is used - in this case insert means inserting at the beginning of the row list, append means append at the end of the row list.

Inline functions for manipulating the tree runtime

When the tree widget is already created, typically when the dialog box is already running, the code can use hid_dad_tree.h for reading or changing cells or rows of the tree. Any change is immediately reflected on the GUI. Please refer to the comments in hid_dad_tree.h for details on the functions and arguments.

Events and callbacks

The function set with RND_DAD_CHANGE_CB() is called when a row is activated by double click (mouse) or the enter key (keyboard).