Changelog for libmawk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ libmawk 0.9.3 (released: 2010-12-21, r307) [libmawk] -Fix: use -fPIC for compiling (helps on amd64) [libmawk] -Add: new builtin variable ERRNO with a different error code for each corner case in extension calls [libmawk] -Add: new built-in variable LIBPATH for library search path - skip loading a script if name started with '+' and the script was already loaded - if script file name starts with '/', assume it to be an absolute path and skip LIBPATH search [scconfig] -Add: scconfig configures/generates Makefiles of libmawk after autodetecting system features [scconfig] -Del: config-user, v7, atarist: scconfig should take care of all supported systems [scconfig] -Add: central ./configure and Makefile [libmawk] -Fix: order of running BEGINs with "include" [libmawk] -Fix: memory leaks around parser state [awklib] -Add: three awk libraries: - lib_rand for reproducible pseudo random numbers - lib_array for packing/unpacking/printing arrays - lib_ascii for converting characters to ASCII codes libmawk 0.9.2 (released: 2010-12-12, r229) [libmawk] -Fix: invalid memory handling around cells [libmawk] -Fix: manual page dates and author and project/executable name [libmawk] -Add: dynamic awk function calls (call() and acall()) [libmawk] -Add: dynamic awk variable value fetch (valueof()) [libmawk] -Add: include libmawk 0.9.1 (released: 2009-08-14, r198) [API] -Add: remember userdata when registering and calling back c functions [API] -Add: option to suppress undefined function calls [API] -Add: new call allowing awk function calls without varargs [API] -Change: split up libmawk_initialize in 3 stages (optional) [libmawk] -Del: autotools, keep last generated Makefile for hand editing [libmawk] -Del: config.h (merged in [libmawk] -Rename: mawk -> lmawk (the binary) [libmawk] -Change: print cell prints integers without .000000 [testapp] -Move: testapp out from libmawk (new dir structure) [testapp] -Fix: stack handling bug [doc] -Add: manual pages for libmawk calls libmawk 0.9.0 (released: 2009-07-22, r146) * Initial release, based on mawk 1.3.3 * r3...r8 Separate libmawk_call() from execute(); allow undefined functions * r9...r42 globals to struct (reentrant) * r43...r92 rename non-static functions to have a mawk_ prefix * r92...r145 libmawk