Using the passed-by-reference nature of arrays, it is possible to use an array to represent a data structure (similar to a C struct passed by pointer) that is passed to functions that manipulate it:
example program ch6_ex1 |
rem calculate the overall intensity of the color function color_update(CLR) CLR["intensity"] = (CLR["red"]/255 + CLR["green"]/255 + CLR["blue"]/255)/3 end function CLR1["red"] = 15 CLR1["green"] = 200 CLR1["blue"] = 60 color_update(CLR1) fawk_print(CLR1["intensity"]) |
This helps implementing data driven programming:
To ease using the above pattern, fawk implements the "." operator that is a shorthand syntax for an array indexing with the string version of the field name. The following two array references are equivalent:
arrname.fieldname arrname["fieldname"]
Using this syntax the above example cn be rewritten into a more readable form:
example program ch6_ex2 |
rem calculate the overall intensity of the color function color_update(CLR) CLR["intensity"] = ( + + end function = 15 = 200 = 60 color_update(CLR1) fawk_print(CLR1.intensity) |
The next logical step is to bundle the functions that can manipulate the data, to the same array. This is possible since function references can be saved in variables or in array members (see section 4.6.):
example program ch6_ex3 |
rem load a color array with component values function color_load(CLR, r, g, b) = r = g = b end function rem calculate the overall intensity of the color function color_update(CLR) CLR["intensity"] = ( + + end function rem initialize the object CLR1.update = color_update CLR1.load = color_load rem load and update CLR1.load(CLR1, 15, 200, 60) CLR1.update(CLR1) fawk_print(CLR1.intensity) |
It is possible to set up a "base class" for the color structure so that different object instances can be created more easily:
example program ch6_ex4 |
rem load a color array with component values function color_load(CLR, r, g, b) = r = g = b end function rem calculate the overall intensity of the color function color_update(CLR) CLR["intensity"] = ( + + end function rem initialize the "base class" COLOR.update = color_update COLOR.load = color_load rem create an instance of COLOR called CLR1 for i in COLOR CLR1[i] = COLOR[i] next i rem load and update CLR1.load(CLR1, 15, 200, 60) CLR1.update(CLR1) fawk_print(CLR1.intensity) |
Obviously "multiple inheritance" can be implemented the same way, simply using two loops for copying fields from two different "base classes":
example program ch6_ex5 |
rem load a color array with component values function color_load(CLR, r, g, b) = r = g = b end function rem calculate the overall intensity of the color function color_update(CLR) CLR["intensity"] = ( + + end function rem convert a single digit to hex function hexdigit(digit) hexdigit = "?" if digit < 10 then hexdigit = digit if digit = 10 then hexdigit = "A" if digit = 11 then hexdigit = "B" if digit = 12 then hexdigit = "C" if digit = 13 then hexdigit = "D" if digit = 14 then hexdigit = "E" if digit = 15 then hexdigit = "F" end function rem convert a byte value to a 2-digit hex string function tohex2(val ,d1,d2) d1 = int(val / 16) d2 = val mod 16 tohex2 = hexdigit(d1) @ hexdigit(d2) end function rem convert the color to html color code function html_print_color(CLR) html_print_color = "#" @ tohex2( @ tohex2( @ tohex2( end function rem initialize the color "base class" COLOR.update = color_update COLOR.load = color_load rem initialize the html "base class" HTML.print_color = html_print_color rem create an instance of COLOR+HMTL called CLR1 for i in COLOR CLR1[i] = COLOR[i] next i for i in HTML CLR1[i] = HTML[i] next i rem load and update CLR1.load(CLR1, 15, 200, 60) fawk_print(CLR1.print_color(CLR1)) |
There are many major features of OOP missing: there are no automatisms, everything needs to be done by the user, in code. Most notably there is no constructor or destructor and passing the object as the first argument is done manually, there is no "this" in functions.