genregex 7 2020-10-27


genregex syntax


The following expressions are supported by genregex:
. any character
^ beginning of line/buffer/string
$ end of line/buffer/string
* zero or more instances of the last expression
+ one or more instances of the last expression
[] any character from the set listed inside []; leading "^" for inversion and "-" for ranges are supported; in extended variant, \n, \r, \t and \\ are also supported
\(\) tag for backreference or reference by the code that executed the regex
\ beginning of word (rules for word declared by the caller)
\> end of word (rules for word declared by the caller)
\1, \2, .. \9 back reference; matches to the exact string of a previous \(\) tag
\b if extended regex is enabled: match a backspace character
\n if extended regex is enabled: match a newline character
\r if extended regex is enabled: match a CR character
\f if extended regex is enabled: match a form feed character
\t if extended regex is enabled: match a tab character
\ if extended regex is not enabled, or the following charatcer is not listed above, match the character followed by the backslash
any other character match that charcter


genregex 7 2020-10-27