fungw 1.1.1 (r685) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [bindings] -Add: upgrade the C binding to a full engine of its own right [build] -Fix: print the full path of Makefile being generated -Fix: run ranlib on the .a -Rename: example/ to regression/ - it's too complex to serve as an example -Add: make recuses to regression [core] -Fix: do not crash on engine lookup if there is no engine registered - just return NULL [doc] -Add: better/shorter explanation of objects -Add: model drawing shows the per context function hash -Add: 7 more languages that can not be used -Add: unsupported language: matlab with liboctave: C++-only -Add: new dir doc/example for hosting a new set of more user digestable examples [regression] -Fix: multicall test: missing sentinel/terminator 0 in vcall_all fungw 1.1.0 (r612) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [core] -Fix: plain old function call: init local res to INVALID before the call to avoid freeing uninitialized arg after the call if the call did not set it -Fix: fgw_obj_new() shouldn't crash but return NULL if allocating the new object fails (e.g. id is already in use) -Add: FGW_AUTO type: script bindings need to convert custom type to any base type to be able to handle them -Add: default 'script file name extension' field in the engine struct (useful for saving new scripts) -Add: publish fungw pup installation dir so the host app can add it to puplug search paths -Add: fgw_obj_new2(): a version of fgw_obj_new() that passes on "script user call ctx", so that script initialization section may make calls with context [fawk] -Fix: don't crash when converting NULL string to fawk string literal, use empty string -Update: new libfawk_error() API for delivering line number for runtime errors [bindings] -Fix: make sure all script bindings convert custom type to FGW_AUTO (instead of FGW_STR or not converting at all) before passing it to the script -Add: $script-ext in pups of all bindings (so an app can decide whether to load an engine or not) -Add: $lang-alias in pups: language aliases for duktape, estutter and mruby