CoralEDA standard: crl002: attributes for any workflow

Status: active
Type: strongly recommended (some parts are weakly recommended)
Affects: schematics editors, PCB editors, tools dealing with BoMs and netlists


This standard specifies common attribute names and corresponding semantics, especially for inter-process communication (e.g. through exchanging symbols, footptints, netlists, BoMs, etc.) between EDA tools.


Attribute recommendations

sym's device

strong recommendation

sym's footprint

strong recommendation

sym's value

strong recommendation

sym's copyright and footprint's copyright

strong recommendation

Note: the actual name of this attribute may vary from software to software; as this attribute is not propagated, it's not part of any API convention

sym's license-dist and footprint's license-dist

strong recommendation

Note: the actual name of this attribute may vary from software to software; as this attribute is not propagated, it's not part of any API convention

sym's license-use and footprint's license-use

strong recommendation

Note: the actual name of this attribute may vary from software to software; as this attribute is not propagated, it's not part of any API convention

sym's color

weak recommendation

sym's voltage

weak recommendation

sym's temp_min, temp_max

weak recommendation

sym's tolerance

weak recommendation

port's sigtype

weak recommendation

port's sigmax

weak recommendation

port's dir

weak recommendation

Intentionally omitted (specific reasons)

Intentionally omitted (does not propagate, no need to unify)