camv-rnd User Manual: Appendix

Action Reference

Action Description Syntax Plugin
AboutPresent the about boxAbout()camv_dialogs
ActionStringExecute a pcb-rnd action parsing a string; syntac: "action(arg,arg,arg)"ActionString(action)script plugin
AddTimer (RND)Add a new timerAddTimer(action, period, [repeat], [userdata])script plugin
AnyLoad (RND)Load "anything" from path (or offer a file selectio dialog if no path specified)AnyLoad([path])
awkExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
basExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
Benchmark (RND)Benchmark the GUI speed.Benchmark()
BrowseScriptsPresent a dialog box for browsing scriptsBrowseScripts()script plugin
Center (RND)Moves the pointer to the center of the window.Center()lib_hid_common plugin
ChkGridSizeReturn 1 if the currently selected grid matches the expected_size. If argument is "none" return 1 if there is no grid.ChkGridSize(expected_size)
ChkGridUnitsReturn 1 if currently selected grid unit matches the expected (normally mm or mil)ChkGridUnits(expected)
ChkModeReturn 1 if the currently selected mode is the expected_modeChkMode(expected_mode)
cli_MessageBoxIntenal: CLI frontend action. Do not use directly.
cli_PromptForIntenal: CLI frontend action. Do not use directly.
ColorLayerChange the color of a layer addressed (@ for current). Not affected by ResetLayer(). Colorstr shall be #rrggbb with hex components.ColorLayer(@|last|idx, colorstr)
CommandDisplays the command line input in the status area.Command()lib_hid_common plugin
confPerform various operations on the configuration tree.conf(set, path, value, [role], [policy]) - change a config setting to an absolute value
conf(delta, path, value, [role], [policy]) - change a config setting by a delta value (numerics-only)
conf(toggle, path, [role]) - invert boolean value of a flag; if no role given, overwrite the highest prio config
conf(reset, role) - reset the in-memory lihata of a role
conf(iseq, path, value) - returns whether the value of a conf item matches value (for menu checked's)
confgetReturn conf node value or property from the merged in-memory/native storage. Returns nil if node is unset (for value query) or not found. Intended for scripting.ConfGet(path, [value]) - return the value of a conf node; units, colors and lists are returned as string.
ConfGet(path, desc) - return the human readable description
ConfGet(path, ArraySize) - number of elements
ConfGet(path, ReadOnly) - returns 1 if node is read-only, 0 otherwise
ConfGet(path, ConfRev) - conf (merge) rev number the value last changed
CreateMenuCreates a new menu, popup (only path specified) or submenu (at least path and action are specified)CreateMenu(path)
CreateMenu(path, action, tooltip, cookie, [accel])
Cursor (RND)Move the cursor.Cursor(Type,DeltaUp,DeltaRight,Units)
dadManipulate Dynamic Attribute Dialogsdad(dlgname, new) - create new dialog
dad(dlgname, label, text) - append a label widget
dad(dlgname, button, text) - append a button widget
dad(dlgname, button_closes, label, retval, ...) - standard close buttons
dad(dlgname, enum, choices) - append an enum (combo box) widget; choices is a tab separated list
dad(dlgname, bool) - append an checkbox widget (default off)
dad(dlgname, integer|real|coord, min, max) - append an input field
dad(dlgname, string) - append a single line text input field
dad(dlgname, default, val) - set the default value of a widet while creating the dialog
dad(dlgname, help, tooltip) - set the help (tooltip) text for the current widget
dad(dlgname, progress) - append a progress bar (set to 0)
dad(dlgname, preview, cb_act_prefix, minsize_x, minsize_y, [ctx]) - append a preview with a viewbox of 10*10mm, minsize in pixels
dad(dlgname, tree, cols, istree, [header]) - append tree-table widget; header is like enum values
dad(dlgname, tree_append, row, cells) - append after row (0 means last item of the root); cells is like enum values; returns a row pointer
dad(dlgname, tree_append_under, row, cells) - append at the end of the list under row (0 means last item of the root); cells is like enum values; returns a row pointer
dad(dlgname, tree_insert, row, cells) - insert before row (0 means first item of the root); cells is like enum values; returns a row pointer
dad(dlgname, begin_hbox) - begin horizontal box
dad(dlgname, begin_vbox) - begin vertical box
dad(dlgname, begin_hpane) - begin horizontal paned box
dad(dlgname, begin_vpane) - begin vertical paned box
dad(dlgname, begin_table, cols) - begin table layout box
dad(dlgname, begin_tabbed, tabnames) - begin a view with tabs; tabnames are like choices in an enum; must have as many children widgets as many names it has
dad(dlgname, end) - end the last begin
dad(dlgname, flags, flg1, flg2, ...) - change the flags of the last created widget
dad(dlgname, onchange, action) - set the action to be called on widget change
dad(dlgname, run, title) - present dlgname as a non-modal dialog
dad(dlgname, run_modal, title) - present dlgname as a modal dialog
dad(dlgname, exists) - returns wheter the named dialog exists (0 or 1)
dad(dlgname, set, widgetID, val) - changes the value of a widget in a running dialog
dad(dlgname, get, widgetID, [unit]) - return the current value of a widget
dad(dlgname, iterate) - runs a global GUI iteration (event dispatch, redraw)
dad(dlgname, raise) - pops up window in front
dad(dlgname, close) - close the dialog (and return 0 from modal run)
lib_hid_common plugin
dlg_confval_editPresent a dialog box for editing the value of a conf node at path.dlg_confval_edit(path, idx, role, [modal])lib_hid_common plugin
duktapeExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
DumpActionsDump all actions available.DumpActions()
dumpconfPerform various operations on the configuration tree.dumpconf(native, [verbose], [prefix]) - dump the native (binary) config tree to stdout
dumpconf(lihata, role, [prefix]) - dump in-memory lihata representation of a config tree
DumpPluginDirsPrint plugins directories in a format digestable by scripts.DumpPluginDirs()
DumpPluginsPrint plugins loaded in a format digestable by scripts.DumpPlugins()
DumpVersionDump version in script readable format.DumpVersion()
estutterExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
EvalConfPerform various operations on the configuration tree.EvalConf(path) - evaluate a config path in different config sources to figure how it ended up in the native databasediag_rnd
ExecActionFileRun actions from the given file.ExecuteFile(filename)
ExecuteFileRun actions from the given file.ExecuteFile(filename)
ExportDialogOpen the export dialog.ExportDialog()lib_hid_common plugin
fawkExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
fbasExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
fpasExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
FsdSimpleFile selection dialog, simplified API; for meaning of the arguments, see the HID API doc.FsdSimple(title, descr, default_file, default_ext, history_tag, [read])lib_hid_common plugin
FsdTestCentral, DAD based File Selection Dialog demoFsdTest()lib_hid_common plugin
FullScreenHide widgets to get edit area full screenFullScreen(on|off|toggle)
GetXY (RND)Get a coordinate. If x or y specified, the return value of the action is the x or y coordinate.GetXY([message, [x|y]])
GridSet the grid.grid(set, [name:]size[@offs][!unit])
grid(idx, N)
GroupLoadStarts or ends a group load of files.GroupLoad(begin|end)plug_io_act
gui_FallbackColorPickIntenal: GUI frontend action. Do not use directly.lib_hid_common plugin
gui_MayOverwriteFileIntenal: GUI frontend action. Do not use directly.lib_hid_common plugin
gui_MessageBoxIntenal: GUI frontend action. Do not use directly.lib_hid_common plugin
gui_PromptForIntenal: GUI frontend action. Do not use directly.lib_hid_common plugin
HelpOn-line action helpHelp()
InvertLayerInverts the layer addressed (@ for current). Not affected by ResetLayer().InvertLayer(@|last|idx)
ircnon-modal, single-instance, single-server, single-channel irc window for online supportirc()irc plugin
javascriptExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
jsExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
LayerDialogPresent the LayerDialog box on the currently selected layerLayerDialog()camv_dialogs
ListScripts (RND)List fungw scripts, optionally filtered wiht regex pat.ListScripts([pat])script plugin
LiveScript (RND)Manage a live scriptLiveScript([new], [name])
LiveScript(load|save, name, [filame])
LiveScript(run|stop|rerun|undo, name)
script plugin
LoadFromLoad project or layer data from a file.LoadFrom(Layer|Project,filename[,format])plug_io_act
LoadScript (RND)Load a fungw scriptLoadScript(id, filename, [language])script plugin
LogManages the central, in-memory log.Log(clear, [fromID, [toID])
Log(export, [filename, [text|lihata])
LogDialogOpen the log dialog.LogDialog()lib_hid_common plugin
LogGuiLog() action GUI sectionLogGui(export, [filename, [text|lihata])
luaExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
ManagePluginsManage plugins dialog.ManagePlugins()lib_hid_common plugin
mawkExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
MenuDebugMenu debug helpers: save the merged menu in a fileMenuDebug(save, path)
MenuPatchManage menu patchesMenuPatch(load, cookie, path, desc)
MenuPatch(unload, cookie)
Message (RND)Writes a message to the log window.message([ERROR|WARNING|INFO|DEBUG,] message)
MessageBoxOpen a modal message dialog box with title and label. If icon string is not empty, display the named icon on the left. Present one or more window close buttons with different text and return value.MessageBox(icon, title, label, button_txt, button_retval, ...)
ModeChange or use the tool mode.Tool(Arc|Arrow|Copy|InsertPoint|Line|Lock|Move|None|PasteBuffer)
MoveCursorToMove the cursor to absolute coords, pan the view as needed.MoveCursorTo(x,y)
mrubyExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
OnelinerExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
Pan (RND)Start or stop panning (Mode = 1 to start, 0 to stop)Pan(Mode)lib_hid_common plugin
pasExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
pcb_acosscript plugin
pcb_asinscript plugin
pcb_atan2script plugin
pcb_atanscript plugin
pcb_cosscript plugin
pcb_randscript plugin
pcb_sinscript plugin
pcb_sqrtscript plugin
pcb_srandscript plugin
pcb_tanscript plugin
perlExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
PreferencesPresent the preferences dialog, optionally opening the tab requested.Preferences([tabname])lib_hid_common plugin
Print (RND)Present the print export dialog for printing the layout from the GUI.Print()
PrintActionsPrint all actions available.PrintActions()
PrintCopyrightPrint copyright notice.PrintCopyright()
PrintDialogOpen the print dialog.PrintDialog()lib_hid_common plugin
PrintFilesPrint files currently loaded.PrintFiles()
PrintPathsPrint full paths and search paths.PrintPaths()
PrintUsagePrint command line arguments of camv-rnd or a plugin loaded.PrintUsage()
PrintVersionPrint version.PrintVersion()
PromptFor (RND)Prompt for a string. Returns the string (or NULL on cancel)PromptFor([message[,default[,title]]])
pyExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
pythonExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
QuitQuits the application.Quit()
RedrawRedraw the entire screenRedraw()
ReloadScript (RND)Reload a fungw scriptReloadScript(id)script plugin
RemoveMenuRecursively removes a new menu, popup (only path specified) or submenu. RemoveMenu(path, cookie)
ResetLayerReset the transformation matrix of the layer.ResetLayer(@|last|idx, sx[, sy])
rnd_acosscript plugin
rnd_asinscript plugin
rnd_atan2script plugin
rnd_atanscript plugin
rnd_cosscript plugin
rnd_dlg_xpm_by_nameIntenal: GUI frontend action. Do not use directly.lib_hid_common plugin
rnd_randscript plugin
rnd_sinscript plugin
rnd_sqrtscript plugin
rnd_srandscript plugin
rnd_tanscript plugin
rnd_toolbar_initFor ringdove apps: initialize the toolbar.lib_hid_common plugin
rnd_toolbar_uninitFor ringdove apps: uninitialize the toolbar.lib_hid_common plugin
rnd_zoomChange zoom level (relative, absolute, window, ...)Zoom()
Zoom(x1, y1, x2, y2)
lib_hid_common plugin
RotateLayerRotates the layer addressed (@ for current) by deg degrees CCW. (The transformation is added to the current transformation matrix of the layer.)RotateLayer(@|last|idx, [deg])
rubyExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
SafeFsclearerrSame as clearerr(3)SafeFsclearerr(f)
SafeFsFcloseCloses a file previously open using SafeFsFopen()SafeFsFclose(f)
SafeFsFeofReturns 1 if file has reached EOF, 0 otherwiseSafeFsFeof(f)
SafeFsFerrorReturns 1 if file had errors, 0 otherwiseSafeFsFerror(f)
SafeFsFgetsReads and returns a line from f (open with SafeFsFopen()). Stops reading after maxlen (subsequent call will continue reading the same line). Returns nil on error or eof or empty line. Maxlen is 64k by default. Note: string heap allocation is made for maxlen.SafeFsFgets(f, [maxlen])
SafeFsFileMtimeReturn the last modification time of a file, from Epoch, or -1 on error.SafeFsFileMtime(path)
SafeFsFileSizeReturn the size of a file in bytes, or -1 on error.SafeFsFileSize(path)
SafeFsFopenOpens a file using fopen, returns FILE *. If mode is not specified, r is assumed. Returns nil on error.SafeFsFopen(path, [mode])
SafeFsFputsWrites str to file f (previously opne with SafeFsFopen))SafeFsFputs(f, str)
SafeFsFreadReads and returns at most len bytes from a file (open with SafeFsFopen()). Returns nil on error or eof or empty line.SafeFsFread(f, len)
SafeFsFreadSepReads characters that are either all non-seps or all seps. Reads at most maxlen bytes. Returns the string read or nil on eof or error. Seps is a string that contains every separator character. Maxlen is 64k by default.SafeFsFreadSep(f, seps, [maxlen])
SafeFsFseekSame as fseek(3); whence is a string, one of set, cur or end not specified (set is used when not specified)SafeFsFseek(f, offs, [whence])
SafeFsFtellSame as ftell(3).SafeFsFtell(f)
SafeFsIsDirReturn 1 if path exists and is a directory, else return 0.SafeFsIsDir(path)
SafeFsMkdirMkdir a file from the file system. If mode is a string, it is converted from octal. Return value is the same as mkdir(2)'sSafeFsMkdir(path, mode)
SafeFsPathSepReturn the system dependet path separator character (normally slash).SafeFsPathSep(path)
SafeFsReadFileReads a text file into one long string, returned, but at most maxlen bytes. If maxlen is not specified, 64k is used. Returns nil on error or empty file.SafeFsReadFile(path, [maxlen])
SafeFsRealPathReturns the realpath(3) of path, or NULL on error.SafeFsRealPath(path)
SafeFsRemoveRemove an object from the file system. Return value is the same as remove(3)'sSafeFsRemove(path)
SafeFsRenameRename an object on the file system. Return value is the same as rename(2)'sSafeFsRename(old_path, new_path)
SafeFsRewindSame as rewind(3)SafeFsRewind(f)
SafeFsSystemRuns cmdline with a shell using librnd safe_fs. Return value is the same integer as system()'sSafeFsSystem(cmdline)
SafeFsUnlinkUnlink a file from the file system. Return value is the same as unlink(2)'sSafeFsUnlink(path)
SaveToSave design to a file.SaveTo(design, filename[,format])plug_io_act
ScaleLayerScales the layer addressed (@ for current) by the factor of sx and sy. If only sx is specified, it is used as sy as well. (The transformation is added to the current transformation matrix of the layer.)ScaleLayer(@|last|idx, [sx, [sy]])
ScriptCookie (RND)Return a cookie specific to the current script instance during script initializationScriptCookie()script plugin
ScriptPersistency (RND)Read or remove script persistency data savd on preunloadScriptPersistency(read|remove)script plugin
Scroll (RND)Scroll the viewport.Scroll(up|down|left|right, [pixels])lib_hid_common plugin
SetGridChange grid size.SetGrid(delta|*mult|/div, [unit])
SetGridOffs (RND)Change grid offset (alignment) to x_offs and y_offs. Offsets should be specified with units.SetGridOffs(x_offs, y_offs)
SetUnits (RND)Set the default measurement units.SetUnits(mm|mil)
strokeVarious gesture recognition related functionsstroke(gesture, seq)stroke plugin
sttExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
SystemRun shell commandSystem(shell_cmd)
tclExecute a script one-liner using a specific languageOneliner(lang, script)script plugin
Tool (RND)Change or use the tool mode.Tool(Arc|Arrow|Copy|InsertPoint|Line|Lock|Move|None|PasteBuffer)
TranslateLayerTranslates (moves) the layer addressed (@ for current) by dx and dy. (The transformation is added to the current transformation matrix of the layer.)TranslateLayer(@|last|idx, dx, dy)
UnloadScript (RND)Unload a fungw scriptUnloadScript(id)script plugin
ViewPortDialogBring up a viewport dialog copying the current design/zoom/pan of the main window. Optionally sets window title.ViewPortDialog([title])camv_dialogs
VisLayerChange the visibility of a layer addressed (@ for current). Not affected by ResetLayer().VisLayer(@|last|idx, [0|1|toggle])
ZoomGUI zoomZoom()
Zoom(x1, y1, x2, y2)

RND: this action comes from librnd and is common to all ringdove applications.