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Date:Fri, 12 Jan 2024 12:03:51 +0100 (CET)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] Polygon clip bug
in-reply-to:6289 from Gabriel Paubert <>
replies: 6291 from Gabriel Paubert <>
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Hi Gabriel,
On Fri, 12 Jan 2024, Gabriel Paubert wrote:
>	Hi Igor2,
>I've been spending some time (an hour or so) distilling a (hopefully
>fairly minimal) test case for a polygon clipping bug I spotted in a medium
>size design (~280 components, 4.5MB .rp file size).
>In the attached file, you'll see that the via is not clipped properly on
>the right side. The via is my standard via to ground in this design,
>with 3 "solid thermals" on layers 1, 5, and 6, and 3 "no shape thermals
>on the other layers". Layer 2 is the power distribution layer with
>different domains.
On the blue Power layer, right? I think I can reproduce it.
This one is fortunately not a poly lib bug, but very likely a bbox problem 
on pcb-rnd-side. I guess the bbox is miscalculated so it doesn't reach the 
right side poly so there's no attempt to make a clearance. I bet it's a 
bug related to the noshape feature.
I will take a closer look at the code after lunch.
>You can move the via anywhere in the middle of the slot between both
>power domains and the lower right plane is never clipped. Changing from
>"no shape" to "no thermal" does not trigger clipping either, while in
>this case the gap drops down to 50µm.
>At this point, I think the problem has to handed over to you.
Yup, thanks, very good test case and explanation.
>Note that I use different clearances on inner and outer layers, the
>reason is that the manufacturer wants larger gaps in the case of "no
>shape" (or "hshadow" for pins) vias. This makes sense since the copper
>barrel forming the plated hole is larger that the hole so the gap should
>be measured from the outer side of the barrel while it is specified from
>the hole diameter.
Sure! I've seen some IPC recommendation that also used different 
clearance on outer and inner layer in general. 
I am really glad to see someone understands and uses these highly obscure 
and advanced features!
>Another discussion worth having in a different thread is how to have DRC
>rules which distinguish "no shape" from all the others.
If you can distill similar test cases, I'm all ears. I think 
for the DRC single-layer should be enough most of the time.
>And another would be to ask whether a "no shape" thermal should be
>considered a valid connection (as far as I can say, it is right now).
Same on this topic! Please start separate thread for each.
If you are having a deadline and any of these bugs are blocking you, 
please also indicate that so I can prioritize the bugfix. (This is a 
generic recommendation, I have a certain freedom in how I allocate time so 
if you say some bug is really time critical I can often put everything 
aside and debug it.)
For now I assume the first one (poly not clipped) is a blocker, the other 
two are not.

Reply subtree:
6290 Re: [pcb-rnd] Polygon clip bug from
  6291 Re: [pcb-rnd] Polygon clip bug from Gabriel Paubert <>
    6293 Re: [pcb-rnd] Polygon clip bug - valgrind from