Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Thu, 9 Mar 2023 16:47:30 +0100 (CET)
Subject:[pcb-rnd] new: camv-rnd: layer transformations
Hi all,
I've just upgraded rendering and added a few new actions in camv-rnd upon 
Cuvoodoo's feature request.
The new actions are: RotateLayer(), TranslateLayer(), ScaleLayer() and 
ResetLayer(). They are in our action ref now:
For TranslateLayer, always specify unit with the coords.
There is a transformation matrix per layer and these actions just modify 
the matrix. This also means order of execution the actions matters. For 
example if you rotate the layer by 45 degrees first then translate by 
1mm;0mm, the result will appear to move 1mm in 45 degrees. However, if you 
translate first then rotate, then the whole layer is moved 1mm to the 
right and then it is rotated there. If you want to rotate by some other 
point then 0;0, you first need to translate, then rotate, then translate 
Cuvoodoo, please test these, I believe these actions should be enough to 
do what you originally wanted. If this works, we should find out what kind 
of GUI frontend we should build on top of these actions. This depends on 
the typical use case too.
Best regards,

Reply subtree:
5980 [pcb-rnd] new: camv-rnd: layer transformations from