Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Sun, 5 Mar 2023 05:27:48 +0100 (CET)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] sch-rnd window geometry save
in-reply-to:5957 from
replies: 5974 from Derek <>
Hi Derek,
On Sat, 11 Feb 2023, wrote:
>On Sat, 11 Feb 2023, Derek wrote:
>> Sorry for the confusion, the comment about the sch-rnd Getting Started Video,
>> was I was trying to lerarn the basics of sch-rnd and not doing anything
>> special.
>> I have replied via email with screenshot attachments of the start up geometry
>> problem.
>Thank you!
>On the screenshots I see you checked in "save to design" and "save to user 
>config", "before close".
>Let's look at these two options:
>I. to design
>Save to design means the sheet file, so it happens only if you actually 
>save the sheet and later start sch-rnd with that sheet file name from 
>command line. I think this option is not very useful in sch-rnd, because 
>of the multi-sheet support (unless you do single-sheet projects). Another 
>problem here is that it can't really save the geometry of the top window 
>"on close", because if you close the top window, you can't save the sheet 
>anymore. It can still save other window geometries in the sheet data once 
>you close a non-top-window; but this hits the disk only when you actually 
>save the sheet.
I've looked at this problem and made a clarification in the preferences 
dialog: there's a new comment next to the "save in design" row and if you 
hover over it you get a tooltip with a long explanation.
All in all:
- loading top window geometry won't work from design file (board file, 
sheet file), and that's intentional: the top window is created before the 
design is loaded and window placement happens when the window is created
- loading any other window geometry from design does work, both in pcb-rnd 
and in sch-rnd. In practice this means: you can arrange your library 
window, message log, etc and save it in design and when you load that 
design with those window not already open, they will get their initial 
position from the design when they first open
- window geometry save is generally useful in the user file, in some 
special cases in the project file; it is possible in the design file, 
works with the above (intentional) limitations, but aside from some real 
special cases you probably don't want to save window geometry in design 
file for multiple reasons
Reasons you should not save window geometry in design file:
- the above limitations
- portability of the design file; you don't want to force your preferred 
window geometry on other users loading your board/sheet
- noise in the design file (commit noise, junk in diff)
- if the app supports opening multiple designs in parallel (sch-rnd 
does), and you indeed load multiple designs, you can't really control 
which one should provide window geometry
Please look at the tooltip (using librnd svn HEAD) and let me know if this 
explanation and the tooltip clarifies the situation.

Reply subtree:
5971 Re: [pcb-rnd] sch-rnd window geometry save from
  5974 Re: [pcb-rnd] sch-rnd window geometry save from Derek <>