Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

From:Nicklas SB Karlsson <>
Date:Mon, 16 Jan 2023 11:30:47 +0100
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] Wishlist Arbitrary Rotate Improvement
in-reply-to:5915 from Evan Foss <>
sön 2023-01-15 klockan 23:48 -0500 skrev Evan Foss:
> Let me try explaining again. Rotation spins things around a point. i
> want the footprint and it's redes to spin on their current
> independent
> centroids at the same angle and the same time. like ballroom dancers
Have a few boards with some more or less arbitrary rotated footprints.
This is because it is easier to fit them so that there is enough
clearance. Some of them are driver circuits with decoupling capacitors
and a few other components and it is somewhat simpler to puzzle them
into place if all are rotated at the same time.
Nicklas Karlsson

Reply subtree:
5917 Re: [pcb-rnd] Wishlist Arbitrary Rotate Improvement from Nicklas SB Karlsson <>