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Date:Wed, 18 Aug 2021 04:06:16 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:Re: [pcb-rnd] long term plans: HIDs, sdl, gtk4 (fundrising or
in-reply-to:5089 from Alain Vigne <>
replies: 5092 from Bdale Garbee <>
On Tue, 17 Aug 2021, Alain Vigne wrote:
>No, GL using hardware acceleration is very usable... as is Cairo when
>hardware acceleration is possible, and enabled !
And then we don't need cairo. We have direct opengl render code. Cairo is 
nothing else just an unneded, excess software layer between two other 
layers of code. Such things typically don't speed things up but slow 
things down.
>Now, I think GTK4 (note it is not GTK+-4.0 ;)
Does not matter at all. I am not obsessed with gtk, I hate it. For me it 
doesn't matter what random differences they do in their totally broken 
release cycles/versioning. I have zero trust in gtk dev team ability to 
maintain _any_ sort of API stability or reasonable releases.
At the end, if the community decides to support the effort, there's only 
one thing that matters: to use the latest release that seems to hit 
distros to maximize the number of years on gtk we buy for our money/time. 
I will look at this one thing if we ever get there, and use the matching 
version, whether they will call it gtk5, gtk16 or "gtk 3.9999.9.99 that is 
not gtk+-3.0"
>is still using Cairo for all
>rendering, but using Wayland, hardware acceleration is active. So, probably
>I would have better results now, who knows ?
It probably uses cairo for rendering the widgets. Rendering speed is not 
critical for buttons, it's critical for rendering the board. 
You wouldn't have better results now: for the critical path, board 
rendering, cairo is still:
- unacceptably slow in sw rendering 
- just an unwanted extra layer, a slowing factor in the hw rendering path 
that adds redundant code (compared to simply using the already existing 
direct opengl code)
>There is a clear choice to be made for the main PCB display: Use OpenGL API
>or Cairo one. That is the difference we already have between hid_gtk2_gdk
>and hid_gtk2_gl.
>Igor2 states : use OpenGL. I am fine with this. No pb.
>But still all the GTK4 widgets changes + new mechanisms are troublesome to
>get a GTK4 HID.
But why do you care? What do you have to do with all this? You stated you 
won't donate to the cause. I started this thread for one reason, and made 
it explicit right from tbe beginning: to see if the community funds the 
project or not. It never was a generic "vote if you like gtk4" 
thread. It never was a "help me figure gtk4 details".
You don't donate and you won't contribute to the coding, so for you this 
would be just yet another random plugin that just happens independently 
from you. 
If it happens at all... 
So let's close the technical detail part of this discussion, as especially 
in this stage it is largely irrelevant. We should focus on what's more 
important in this subproject's life: whether it starts/happens at all, or 
whether I do the SDL HID in the same time slot this winter instead. At 
the moment gtk4 is not winning this time slot yet.
Majenko, Bdale, anyone else who think they prefer gtk4 over sdl?
Best regards,

Reply subtree:
5091 Re: [pcb-rnd] long term plans: HIDs, sdl, gtk4 (fundrising or from
  5092 Re: [pcb-rnd] long term plans: HIDs, sdl, gtk4 (fundrising or from Bdale Garbee <>
    5093 [pcb-rnd] gtk4 conclusion (was: Re: long term plans: HIDs, sdl, gtk4 (fundrising or contribution)) from
    5094 Re: [pcb-rnd] long term plans: HIDs, sdl, gtk4 (fundrising or from John Griessen <>
      5095 Re: [pcb-rnd] long term plans: HIDs, sdl, gtk4 (fundrising or contribution) from Evan Foss <>