Mailing list archives : pcb-rnd

Date:Mon, 12 Apr 2021 12:29:42 +0200 (CEST)
Subject:[pcb-rnd] new: SetSame() on text (part of the route style upgrade)
Hi all,
the main cleanup objective for this cycle is upgrading our routing style 
support (more on this later). As part of this effort, I fill in some gaps 
in the existing infra.
One such gap was that SetSame() did not pick up text properties. As of 
r34422, it does now. It picks up:
- text thickness (oldish feature: you can write thin stroked text or bold 
text by changing the text thickness field, e.g. using the property editor; 
the new thing is that SetSame() picks it up)
- text scale (this is text size in %; default is 100%, but you could 
always change text scale of the pen, and for some time pcb-rnd supports 
this from routing style too; the new thing is that SetSame() picks it up)
- font (for many years we have support for using multiple fonts on a 
board, on per text object basis; lately we weven have a ttf glyph import 
plugin that makes it super easy to make new font; the new thing is that if 
you have a text using a different font, this info is picked up by 
Best regards,

Reply subtree:
4803 [pcb-rnd] new: SetSame() on text (part of the route style upgrade) from